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I saw Rup Singh a few days ago and he wrote the odd message I enclose. You know what these natives are, even the most sensible of them, and you will humour the old fellow for he ages very fast and I think is breaking up. But this was not what I wanted to say. I had a letter from a man I had not seen for years a fellow called Stephen Clifden, who lives in Kashmir.

It cannot be supposed, that a stranger and sojourner should buy his own grapes, and make his own provision of wine: but he may buy it by recommendation from the peasants, for about eighteen or twenty livres the charge, consisting of eleven rup five pounds; in other words, of two hundred and eighty pounds of this country, so as to bring it for something less than three-pence a quart.

Ginger wasted no more breath, but laid hold of the little brass rail that encircled Puggy's platform, and with a sudden hoist that lifted the shafts and startled the pony, raised himself to the level of a spectator. "'Ere!" shouted the swaying, tottering Puggy. "What the ... are yer rup to?"

But I had been able to be useful to Rup Singh and he gave me a permit for The House in the Woods, and I stopped there for a few days' shooting. I remember that day so well. I was wandering in the dense woods while my men got their midday grub, and I missed the trail somehow and found myself in a part where the trees were dark and thick and the silence heavy as lead.

Rup Singh's ancestor had been a close friend of the Maharao and was with him to the end, and that's why he himself sets such store on the place. You have a good chance if I ask for a permit. "He told me the story and since it is the heart of my own I give it briefly. Many centuries ago the Ranipur Kingdom was ruled by the Maharao Rai Singh a prince of the great lunar house of the Rajputs.

Of these two Rup Singh's ancestor was one. And in his thirty fifth year the Maharao died and his beauty and strength passed into legend and his kingdom was taken by another and the jungle crept silently over his Hall of Pleasure and the story ended. "There was not a memory of the place up there," Olesen went on. "Certainly I never heard anything of it when I went up to the Shipki in 1904.

It ought to be authentic if it isn't. Don't you know any more?" "Nothing. Well to bed, and tomorrow I'll see Rup Singh." I was glad when he returned with the permission.

A. Agricola. Ann. Annals. G. Germania. H. Histories. T. Tacitus. Br. Brotier. D. or Doed. Doederlein. Dr. Dronke. E. Ernesti. Gr. Gruber. Guen. Guenther. K. Kiessling. Ky. Kingsley. Mur. Murphy. Or. Orelli. Pass. Passow. R. Roth. Rhen. Rhenanus. Rit. Ritter. Rup. Ruperti. W. Walch. Wr. Walther. H. Harkness' Latin Grammar. Beck. Gall. Becker's Gallus. Boet. Lex. Tac. Boetticher's Lexicon Taciteun.

One small boat sometimes takes in one night twenty-five rup, amounting to six hundred weight; but it must be observed, that the pound here, as well as in other parts of Italy, consists but of twelve ounces. Anchovies, besides their making a considerable article in the commerce of Nice, are a great resource in all families.

As a matter of fact I had forgotten his existence but evidently he has not repaid the compliment for he writes as follows No, I had better send you the note and you can do as you please. I am rushed off my legs with work and the heat is hell with the lid off. And-" But the rest was of no interest except to a friend of years' standing. I read Rup Singh's message first.