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The other three boys were the ones who engaged in the little talk with which this story opens. Bumpus really had another name, though few people ever thought to call him by it; yet in the register at school he was marked down as Cornelius Jasper Hawtree; while the fellow who had that strange "rubber-neck" that he was so fond of stretching to its limit, was Conrad Stedman.

A humorist who described the passing show from the stern of a rubber-neck wagon for the instruction of tourists announced on every round that "This is Edward G. Thatcher's residence; it contains twelve bath-rooms, and cost seventy-five thousand dollars four years ago. The family have lived in it three months. Does it pay to be rich?"

The Gentleman from Montana again obtained recognition. "Mr. Speaker, I see here present an ex-member, my alter ego, Mr. Reuben Rubber-Neck, who once parted with six months' wages on another man's game. Mr. Rubber-Neck is a graduate of the celebrated and expensive school of Experience, of which it is written that a large and influential class will learn of no other.

As an ex-Member, he is entitled to the privilege of the floor. I, for one, would like to have his counsels at this juncture." Thus appealed to, Mr. Rubber-Neck got stumblingly to his feet with a gawky and timid demeanor. "Mr. Chairman, it is not a theory but a hell of a condition that confronts us," he said, uncertainly.

He's engaged," she snapped, cracking away at her machine. "I've heard there was some prospect. She's a fine looker." "Rubber-neck!" "Say, Rosie, I'm going to ask a girl to go to the theatre with me," said Eddie complacently. "Indeed! Well, ask her. I don't care." "To-morrow night. Will you go?" "Who? Me?" "Sure. I I wouldn't take anybody else, you know."

When the car drew up before the door of her home, I thought of my first ride about the city in the "rubber-neck wagon," and how I had stared when the lecturer pointed out this mansion.

Near by a lantern-bedecked rubber-neck wagon was in process of unloading its cargo of seekers after the curious and unwholesome. On either side of him walked Wong Get and Buddha. They had hardly reached the corner when five shots echoed in quick succession above the noise of the traffic and the crowd turned with one accord and rushed in the direction from which he had just come. Mr.

It was a vision, yes, but Coleman's cynical knowledge of drama overpowered his sense of its beauty. He broke out brutally, in the phrases of the American street. "Your dragoman is a rubber-neck. If he keeps darking me I will simply have to kick the stuffing out of him." She was alone in the room. Her old lady had been instructed to have a headache and send apologies.

"And you used to stare at her?" "I would look in her direction sometimes," corrected Jimmy, with dignity. "Don't quibble! You stared at her. You behaved like a common rubber-neck, and you know it. I am no prude, James, but I feel compelled to say that I consider your conduct that of a libertine. Used she to walk alone?" "Generally." "And, now, you love her, eh?

Then the train would pass through Cleveland while they slept, on its way to Chicago. "I'll be glad to get a look at Chicago," said Ben Basswood, who had not done much traveling. "We are to take a tour in a rubber-neck wagon," he added. "A rubber-neck wagon!" cried his mother. "Benjamin, what language!" "Well, that is what they usually call the touring automobiles," he answered, with a grin.