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Dolf pulverised the 'rosum, declaring that it should be powdered in one particular way which was a great secret known only to a happy few. If it were powdered in any other way, the resin lost its efficacy as a protection, and might even aggravate the pain.

He reviled Kitty for that action in such overwhelming language that the poor girl fled in tears, and next day it was only with the greatest difficulty that she persuaded him to accept two pears and a blood-alley as a peace offering. Dolf Belman came later with a little comfort. 'Gotter junk o' rosum, he said, fumbling in his school-bag. 'Hoo! have you though? said Parrot Cann. 'Rosum's great.

Peterson, a six-foot Dane, an engine-driver at the Stream, and Billy's father, was volunteering for service in case Mr. Ham should need assistance in dealing with the two culprits; but Joel sent him away, and the boys breathed freely again. Their confidence in Dolf's 'rosum' did not leave them quite blind to the advantages of an amicable settlement of their little difference with Mr. Ham.

'This here cove he useter have hisself rubbed all over wif rosum every mornin', then he'd go to school an' kick up ole boots. What'd he care? My word, he was a terror!

After losing a few lines, I copied literally into my note-book: "Ye see dem boat way dah ahead. Chorus. Oahoiohieu. De San Charles is arter 'em, dey mus' go behine. Oahoiohieu. So stir up dah, my livelies, stir her up. Oahoiohieu. Dey's burnin' not'n but fat and rosum. Oahoiohieu. Oh, we is gwine up de Red River, oh! Oahoiohieu. Oh, we mus' part from you dah asho'. Oahoiohieu.