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Gov. de Lancey's country-house; but many boys &c. went a long long way into the country, finishing the day by nutting and gathering apples in the grounds of Petersfield and Rosehill, the country residences of the Stuyvesant and Watt, or, as the last is now called the Watts, families.

Rosehill, near Georgetown, October 4, 1916. J. B. Prevost. Pray point you out the way, sir, in which our trust is to be executed. In his will, of which a copy shall be sent you if desired, my brother has given all demands up to you that he had against you. Very respectfully,

Relf survived his master for forty years, and kept up his interest in the breed to the last. He used to say that the golden tinge peculiar to the Rosehill breed came from a bitch which had been mated with a dog belonging to Dr. Watts, of Battle, and that every now and then what he termed a "sandy" pup would turn up in her litters.

Littlepage, as a relic of antiquity in his day, American antiquity, be it remembered, was standing a few years since, if it be not still standing, at the point of junction between the Old Boston Road and the New Road, and nearly opposite to tha termination of the long avenue that led to Rosehill, originally a seat of the Watts'. The house stood a short distance above the present Union Square, and not far from that of the present Gramercy.

Owing to an outbreak of dumb madness in the Rosehill kennels, a very large number of its occupants either died or had to be destroyed, and this no doubt accounted for the extreme scarcity of the breed when several enthusiasts began to revive it about the year 1870. Mr. Saxby and Mr.

COLOUR Plain white with lemon markings; orange permissible but not desirable; slight head markings with white body preferred. GENERAL APPEARANCE Should be that of a long, low, heavy, very massive dog, with a thoughtful expression. The modern race of Sussex Spaniels, as we know it, owes its origin in the main to the kennel kept by Mr. Fuller at Rosehill Park, Brightling, near Hastings.

Marchant are said to have had the same strain as that at Rosehill, and certainly one of the most famous sires who is to be found in most Sussex pedigrees was Buckingham, by Marchant's Rover out of Saxby's Fan.

It was from the union of Buckingham, who was claimed to be pure Rosehill with Bebb's daughter Peggie that the great Bachelor resulted a dog whose name is to be found in almost every latter-day pedigree, though Mr. Campbell Newington's strain, to which has descended the historic prefix "Rosehill," contains less of this blood than any other. About 1879 Mr.

Rosehill, near Georgetown, October 4, 1916. J. B. Prevost. Pray point you out the way, sir, in which our trust is to be executed. In his will, of which a copy shall be sent you if desired, my brother has given all demands up to you that he had against you. Very respectfully,