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Those whom I think may with truth be styled Refugees, are the Nobility and Priests who fled when the people, irritated by the literary terrorists of the day, the Brissots, Rolands, Camille Desmoulins, &c. were burning their chateaux and proscribing their persons, and in whom expatriation cannot properly be deemed the effect of choice.

A thousand Sir Rolands shall lay lance in rest, and Fear, Avarice, Pleasure, and Ambition shall go down in the dust before your colors. What noble deeds were we not ripe for in the days when we loved? What noble lives could we not have lived for her sake? Our love was a religion we could have died for. It was no mere human creature like ourselves that we adored.

"Brother," said the curate, "those two books are made up of lies, and are full of folly and nonsense; but this of the Great Captain is a true history, and contains the deeds of Gonzalo Hernandez of Cordova, who by his many and great achievements earned the title all over the world of the Great Captain, a famous and illustrious name, and deserved by him alone; and this Diego Garcia de Paredes was a distinguished knight of the city of Trujillo in Estremadura, a most gallant soldier, and of such bodily strength that with one finger he stopped a mill-wheel in full motion; and posted with a two-handed sword at the foot of a bridge he kept the whole of an immense army from passing over it, and achieved such other exploits that if, instead of his relating them himself with the modesty of a knight and of one writing his own history, some free and unbiassed writer had recorded them, they would have thrown into the shade all the deeds of the Hectors, Achilleses, and Rolands."

She afterward saw that same ocean when lashed by the tempest. Portentous mutterings. Welcomed as blessings. Enthusiasm of Madame Roland. Louis XVI. Maria Antoinette. Character of Maria Antoinette. Character of Louis. M. Roland elected to the Assembly. Ardor of his wife. Popularity of the Rolands. They go to Paris. Reception of the Rolands at Paris. Sittings of the Assembly. Tastes and principles.

As a matter of fact Amber was hoping the Rolands, with Sophia Farrell, might linger somewhere en route, remembering that the girl had discussed a tentative project to stop over between steamers at Yokohama. "Very well," Quain gave in; "you're the doctor. Now as for things here, make your mind easy. I'll take charge and keep the affair quiet. There's no reason I can see for its ever getting out.

But Samuel Rolands, the mover, heedful of his special prize, urged upon them not to get out any oftener than could be helped, because when they wished to use the gang-plank he would be obliged to stop. There were two boys in the family who were able to jump off and on whenever they pleased, but boys are boys, and very different from other people.

Good- night, Colonel; good-night, Dominie Sampson; good-night, Dinmont the Downright; good-night, last of all, to the new-found representative of the Bertrams, and the Mac-Dingawaies, the Knarths, the Arths, the Godfreys, the Dennises, and the Rolands, and, last and dearest title, heir of tailzie and provision of the lands and barony of Ellangowan, under the settlement of Lewis Bertram, Esq., whose representative you are.

Proposition of Robespierre. Vote of Vergniaud. Vote of the Girondists. Indignation at the king's death. The Revolutionary Tribunal. Unlimited powers of the Revolutionary Tribunal. Atrocious cruelties. Embarrassments of M. Roland. He sends in his resignation. Attempts to assassinate the Rolands. Entreaties of friends. Firmness of Madame Roland. Roland's influence in the departments.

"Mother," broke in Gamelin with a frown, "the scarcity we suffer from is due to the unprincipled buyers and speculators who starve the people and connive with our foes over the border to render the Republic odious to the citizens and to destroy liberty. This comes of the Brissotins' plots and the traitorous dealings of your Pétions and Rolands.

Paris illuminated. Arrest of the Girondists. Suspense of the Rolands. Arrest of M. Roland. Prompt action of Madame Roland. Madame Roland in the petitioners' hall. Uproar in the Assembly. Madame Roland's letter. The messenger Interview with Vergniaud. Hope vanishes. Escape of M. Roland. Scene at the Tuileries. The deputies embraced by the mob. Anecdote. Madame Roland returns home. A mother's tears.