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These little valleys and bays are warm nooks for the olive and the orange; and all the precipices and sunny slopes are terraced nearly to the top. This promontory of rocks is far from being barren. From Castellamare, driving along a winding, rockcut road by the bay, one of the most charming in southern Italy, a distance of seven miles, we reach the Punta di Scutolo.

These little valleys and bays are warm nooks for the olive and the orange; and all the precipices and sunny slopes are terraced nearly to the top. This promontory of rocks is far from being barren. >From Castellamare, driving along a winding, rockcut road by the bay, -one of the most charming in southern Italy, a distance of seven miles, we reach the Punta di Scutolo.

These little valleys and bays are warm nooks for the olive and the orange; and all the precipices and sunny slopes are terraced nearly to the top. This promontory of rocks is far from being barren. From Castellamare, driving along a winding, rockcut road by the bay, one of the most charming in southern Italy, a distance of seven miles, we reach the Punta di Scutolo.

In Southern Palestine the well-made tomb-chambers, such as are to be seen in great numbers around Jerusalem, are all post-exilic. There is an immense variety in plan, some tombs being single chambers, others complications of several chambers. The late excavation absurdly called the 'Tombs of the Kings' at Jerusalem is quite a labyrinth of rockcut chambers.

A famous dropping-well, whose waters possess the power of rapidly petrifying every object exposed to them, is one of the most noticeable things in the neighborhood. There are also one or two curious rockcut cells, high up on precipitous slopes, which were inhabited years ago by pious recluses who had withdrawn from the vanities of the world.