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He had once seen two Ford cars and an ox-cart tie up the Riverton Road. Arrived at Emma Campbell's quarters, he found her sitting stiffly erect, her foot upon her new suit-case, her new cloak over her arm, and the bird-cage under her hand.

"But the boy may not know the person who hired him. All the Hilltop boys are not known in Riverton and it is not positive that one of the boys of the Academy hired him. It may have been a third party." The three boys now left the room, leaving Percival alone and not seeing him until supper time. Later, Jack went to his friend's room to learn if anything had been heard from the editor.

Brooke, the editor of the News at Riverton and not to the robbers." "Why should he send warning to the robbers, you toad?" demanded Dick, angrily. "Stop, Dick, never mind," said Jack, putting a hand on his friend's arm. "The fellow is lying and he knows it." "Oh, I do, hey?" and Herring turned purple with rage.

But Peter Champneys, at a very early age, had to learn things less pleasant than drawing. That tiny house in Riverton represented all that was left of the once-great Champneys holdings, and the little widow was hard put to it to keep even that.

"All right, I'll help you for I don't like Sheldon any better than you and I'd like to spoil his chances." One morning a day or so after this Dr. Wise received an anonymous letter written and addressed in typewriting and posted at Riverton, which caused him some little uneasiness.

But Peter meant to hold fast to his one power, though every hand in the world were against it, though every tongue shouted "Fool," though for it he should go hungry and naked and friendless to the end of his days. He wished to get away from Riverton, to study in some large city under good teachers. Claribel Spring had stressed the necessity of good teachers.

"While undressing with his companion who is here, this watch dropped from his trousers pocket. Percival will doubtless tell you the same. This is what he told me when he handed me the watch this morning. If you suspect him you do him an act of the rankest injustice." "This watch has been stolen," said the other. "The thief was traced to Riverton.

I think it will be only for a time; for my dear nephew here has got such a hold upon my heart, that I think I shall have to come back and settle near him, if I am spared. However, I have the satisfaction of knowing that I am leaving behind me two earnest, like-minded servants of the great Master to preside over the good work at Riverton and Bridgepath.

Adjoining the Riverton estate, in the direction of Franchope, was, as has been already stated, the property of the elderly Miss Stansfield, whose niece, Mary, has been introduced to our readers. The old lady was an early caller on the colonel's family, having made a special effort to rouse herself to pay the call, as she rarely left her own grounds.

The mysterious stranger with the white mustache and dark hair who had caused so much speculation among the Hilltop boys had not been seen since the second attempt to rob the Riverton bank and none of those most interested knew where he was. His confederate, badly wounded at the time, was in jail and likely to remain there for some time, but of his principal nothing was known.