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"So ye did, Rais Ally," said Ted Flaggan, for it was he, "and it's close I kep' as long as I cu'd, which was aisy enough, seeing that ye brought me purvisions so riglar like a good feller as ye are; but body o' me, man, I cudn't live in a cave all me lone for iver, an' I got tired o' lookin' out for that British fleet that niver comes, so I says to mesilf wan fine evenin', `Go out, Ted me boy, an' have a swim in the say it'll do 'ee good, and there's not much chance of any wan troublin' ye here. No sooner said than done.

There's a gin'ral wish among the crew to no whether the north pole is a pole or a dot. Grim sais it's nother wun thing nor anuther, but a hydeear that is sumhow or other a fact, but yit don't exist at all. Tom Green wants to no if there's any conexshun between it an' the pole that's conected with elections. In fact, we're all at sea, in a riglar muz abut this, an' as Dr.

In fact, we're all at sea, in a riglar muz abut this, an' as Dr Singleton's a syentiffick man, praps he'll give us a leadin' article in your nixt so no more at present from "Yours to command, John Buzzby." This contribution was accompanied with an outline illustration of Mivins eating sugar with a ladle in the pantry, and Davie Summers peeping in at the door both likenesses being excellent.

Doctor, that is good wine; but it's getting confounded dear lately; I don't mind it myself, but it makes the expense of the mess fall heavy upon the youngsters." The jolly subs look across the table and wink, for they know that's all bunkum. "Doctor," sais a new hand, "do you know if Cargill has sold his orses. His leada is a cleverwish saut of thing, but the wheela is a riglar bute.

"Is this the riglar fruits of liberty?" touchingly inquired an Irish waister of an old Spanish sheet-anchor-man. You will generally observe that, of all Americans, your foreign-born citizens are the most patriotic especially toward the Fourth of July. But how could Captain Claret, the father of his crew, behold the grief of his ocean children with indifference? He could not.

You should never hold the reins when you fire, nor try to put the gun to your shoulder. It an't needful. The beast'll look arter itself, if it's a riglar buffalo-runner; any ways, holdin' the reins is of no manner of use. I once know'd a gentleman that came out here to see the buffalo-huntin'. He was a good enough shot in his way, an' a first-rate rider.

So he became a bit of a favourite, for he was a sweet pretty boy, and the officers took notice of mun, and the tailor he made mun a little coat and breeches and dressed mun out for all the world like a riglar drummer. For the tailor's wife hadn't no children you see, my Lady, and was wonderful took up with my boy; and Jan he made her a beautiful pair of shoes in return, I mind.

"I've come back to the old bunk, you see," he continued, while I sat down on a chest which served for a chair. "I likes the Home better an' better every time I comes to it, and I've brought all my crew with me; for you see, sir, the `Coffin's' a'most fallin' to pieces, and will have to go into dock for a riglar overhaul." "The Coffin?" said Susan, interrogatively.

"'Oh, says my father, 'I'm only a foolish, ignorant, poor man, says he. 'Listen to me now, Terence Neil, says he, 'I was always a good masther to Pathrick Neil, your grandfather, says he. "'Tis thrue for your honour, says my father. "'And, moreover, I think I was always a sober, riglar gintleman, says the squire.

Then the children asked him about Boney, for Polly Short, who had been their maid, had told them that he was a "riglar monster," and she had heard it from her first cousin's wife's brother-law, who was a sergeant of Marines. But the Colonel said that Polly was wrong, for he had seen Boney himself at St.