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He at once deduced that the injured man, while probably not a Frenchman, at least was familiar with the language. He was young, dark-haired and swarthy. His riding-clothes were well- made and modish. Barnes leaned over and spoke to him in French. The dark, pain-stricken eyes closed, and an almost imperceptible shake of the head signified that he did not understand.

"There's only one person who can look worse in riding-clothes than a man that's a woman." "What heresy, particularly in a society doctor! But I agree with you. I learned to ride on her account, you know. As a matter of fact, I hate it. The sight of a horse fills me with terror." Doctor Suydam laughed outright at this. "She tells me that you have a very good seat." "Really!"

You have made a name for yourself, and a blamed sight more money than you deserve; you are young comparatively, I mean." The elder man stroked his shock of iron-gray hair for answer. "Well, at any rate you are a picturesque personage, even if you can't wear riding-clothes." "Doesn't a man look like the devil in these togs?" Austin posed awkwardly in front of a mirror.

Undine had learned that he expected to have such decisions left to him, and she hid her impatience lest her showing it should incline him to delay. But one day, as she sat at tea in the gallery, he came in in his riding-clothes and said: "I've been over to the other side of the mountain.

We gathered in the road, a gayly bandanaed, dusty, and highly indignant crowd, and conferred. The telegram had been imperative. It did not request. It commanded. It unhorsed us violently at a time when it did not suit either ourselves or our riding-clothes to be unhorsed. We conferred. We were, we said, paying two dollars and a half a day for each of those horses.

"I knew you would go if I got you angry, dear. But you are so slow to anger. Mr. McCloud is just the same way. Mr. Smith says when he does get angry he can do anything. He is very like you in so many ways." Dicksie was wiping her eyes. "Is he, Marion? Well, what shall I wear?" "Just your riding-clothes, dear, and a smile. He won't know what you have on. It is you he will want to see.

Guests continued to arrive from time to time; some from Westchester and the Connecticut shore, others from neighboring estates. One couple in riding-clothes, out for a gallop, dismounted and stayed for a trot. The huge tiled terrace began to resemble a Broadway the dansant.

"I haven't brought anything for shooting at all. Somehow I got the idea we were going to do rough riding instead and so I fetched along some old Mexican riding-clothes that make me feel more at home in the saddle than anything else would. You know how fond a man gets of old, loose things like that. But about this shooting I want you to fix me out. What do I need?

She asked rather meekly for her hat, and having put it on like a shadow above her fairness, she climbed up to Thatcher's side on the driver's seat. The hat was her felt Stetson, and, for the rest, she was clad in her riding-clothes, the boy's shirt, the short corduroy skirt, the high-laced boots. Her youthfulness, rather than her strange beauty, was accentuated by this dress.

It had become so essential to her to know about this that she determined to use her very first opportunity of asking. Not ten minutes after she had made this resolution she unexpectedly encountered Lord Hurdly, in crossing a hall. He had been out on horseback, and still wore his riding-clothes. The correct and carefully fitted leggings showed legs that were thin and shapeless.