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"Weel!" exclaimed the farmer, "it jist blecks me to ken hoo there can be ony trowth i' the Bible, whan a man like that comes sae near to beggin' his breid!" "He is very near it, certainly," assented Cosmo, "but why not he as well as another?" "'Cause they tell me the Bible says the richteous man sall never come to beg his breid." "Well, NEAR is not THERE. But I fancy there must be a mistake.

"And wha's your minister, Peter, my man?" retorted Thomas, with some acrimony. "Mr Cooie, as ye weel ken, Thamas." "I thoucht as muckle. The doctrine savours o' the man, Peter. There's no fear o' him or ony o' his followers bein' richteous over-much." "Weel, ye ken, that's naething but a rabbit i' yer han'. It wad hae been worried some day. Hoo cam' 't by 'ts deith?" "I didna mean to kill't.

When his wife reasoned that God knew he had gone in ignorance, trusting his friend, he cried, "What 's that to him wha judges richteous judgment? What's a' oor puir meeserable excuzes i' the een 'at can see throu' the wa's o' the hert! Ignorance is no innocence." Thus he lied for God! pleading his cause on the principles of hell.

'Ye cud richteously expeck naething o' a powny o' his size that that powny o' yours cudna du, Francie! said David. 'But, in God's name, dear laddie, be a richteous man. Gien ye requere no more than's fair frae man or beast, ye'll maistly aye get it. But gien yer ootluik in life be to get a'thing and gie naething, ye maun come to grief ae w'y and a' w'ys.

"Without fee or hope of reward?" "There maun be some cawpable o' 't, my lord, or what for sud the warl' be? What ither sud haud it ohn been destroyt as Sodom was for the want o' the ten richteous? There maun be saut whaur corruption hasna the thing a' its ain gait." "You certainly have pretty high notions of things, MacPhail.

"He's never been cawed to the swine yet. Nor he sudna be, sae lang's I had a saxpence to halve wi' him." "Ye're no richt, frien', there. The suner a prodigal comes to the swine the better!" "Ay; that's what you richteous elder brithers think. I ken that weel eneuch." "Mr Cupples, I'm nae elder brither i' that sense. God kens I wad gang oot to lat him in."

'I hae buried my best frien' but yersel', grannie, he said, as he took a chair close by her side, where he used to sit when he read the Bible and Boston to her. 'I trust he's happy. He was a douce and a weel-behaved man; and ye hae rizzon to respec' his memory. Did he dee the deith o' the richteous, think ye, laddie? 'I do think that, grannie. He loved God and his Saviour.

Thomas well knew his regard for animals, and had calculated upon it. "Luik at the puir thing wi' its bonny reid een closed for ever! "Hoot, hoot, Thamas, man! Isna that bein' richteous overmuch, as oor minister wad say?" The question came in the husky voice of Peter Whaup, the blacksmith, who was now discovered leaning in over the half-door of the shop.