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The Bushman proceeded to communicate his plan, to which his master remembering their failure of yesterday readily gave his consent. Fortunately they had all the implements that would be necessary for carrying it out, a sharp axe, a strong rope or "rheim" of raw-hide, and their knives and they set about the business without loss of time. To the hunters time was a consideration.

A second joyful shout was caused by their perceiving that it was again a captive. The loose rheim, which it had carried away round its neck, had become entangled among the bushes, and it was now secured so that they had no difficulty in laying hold of it.

He was no longer afraid that the quagga, blinded as he now was, would make any attempt to get off; nor did he. In a few minutes the broken bit-ring was replaced by a strong rheim of raw leather; the bit inserted between the quagga's teeth, the head-stall safely buckled, and Hendrik once more in the saddle, with his jacket upon his back. The quagga felt that he was conquered.

But it was not, for before advancing so far in his work, Swartboy had taken measures to prevent that. He had stayed the tree by fastening the rheim to its upper branches on the opposite side, and then carrying the rope to the limbs of another tree that stood out in that direction.

At length I got a rheim round one of his folds about the middle of his body, and Kleinboy and I commenced hauling away in good earnest.

He was no longer afraid that the quagga, blinded as he now was, would make any attempt to get off; nor did he. In a few minutes the broken bit-ring was replaced by a strong rheim of raw leather; the bit inserted between the quagga's teeth, the head-stall safely buckled, and Hendrik once more in the saddle, with his jacket upon his back. The quagga felt that he was conquered.

Once more our adventurers turned their faces homeward. Contrary to their expectations, the young camelopards caused them but little trouble. A single rheim attached to the neck of each was sufficient to lead them along.

To secure it from wandering, he had fastened a strong rheim around its neck, the other end of which he had looped tightly upon his own wrist. He lay for some time contemplating his beautiful pet. But sleep at length overcame him, and the image of the ourebi melted before his eyes. Beyond this Jan could tell little of what happened to him.

From one of his wrists extended a stout thong, or rheim, which passed through among the bushes to the distance of several feet; and, fast to its other end, was the ourebi fawn, dead, and terribly mangled! Over the spot stood Swartboy with his burning tree, which blazed all the brighter that he had just been using it over the back of a ravenous hyena. The latter was not in sight.

From one of his wrists extended a stout thong, or rheim, which passed through among the bushes to the distance of several feet; and, fast to its other end, was the ourebi fawn, dead, and terribly mangled! Over the spot stood Swartboy with his burning tree, which blazed all the brighter that he had just been using it over the back of a ravenous hyena. The latter was not in sight.