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Fortunately, we did so, with a most interesting result; for the right name was given after all, but spelt in the Hindoostanee and not the European fashion. The name in true Hindoostanee was Rám Dín but Europeans spelt it Rham Deen and so my brother himself had entirely forgotten when the A was given that it had any connection with the man's name.

Goodhue and De Rham of the mercantile class, and John C. Hamilton, Esq. and ex-Governor W.B. Lawrence from the literary ranks. "Among the rules of the club was one permitting any member to introduce to the meetings distinguished strangers visiting the city. At one of the reunions of the club the place of meeting was at Chancellor Kent's.

Sloper O. Henry and Arthur Train Bunner and Washington Square "Predestined" The De Rham House and Van Bibber's Burglar Delmonico's The "Amen Corner" Union and Madison Squares The Coming of Potash and Perlmutter Up the Avenue. To Macaulay's New Zealander, contemplating from London Bridge the ruins of St.

That Henry was the grandfather of James Renwick, Jr., the architect who built Grace Church and St. Patrick's Cathedral. His house was one of the great houses of the early days. Now known as the De Rham house Brevoort sold it in 1857 to Henry De Rham for fifty-seven thousand dollars, it still strikes the passer-by on account of its individuality of appearance.

Edward L. Partridge, No. 19, and Dr. Between Ninth and Tenth, Charles De Rham, No. 24, Mrs. George Ethridge, No. 27, Mrs. Peter F. Collier, No. 29, and Edwin W. Coggeshall, No. 30. On the next block, Frank B. Wiborg, No. 40, Gen. Rush Hawkins, No. 42, Miss Elsie Borg, No. 43, Howard Carter Dickinson, No. 45, Mrs. J.P. Cassidy, No. 49, and William W. Thompkins, No. 68.

About that time Governor Lawrence bought the whole of Ochre Point farm for fourteen thousand dollars, and Mr. de Rham built on the newly opened road the first "cottage," which stands to-day modestly back from the avenue opposite Perry Street.

"Worth noting," says "Fifth Avenue," the publication issued by the Fifth Avenue Bank, "are the names of prominent New Yorkers who, during the fifties, lived on Fifth Avenue between Washington Square and Twenty-first Street. Among them were Lispenard Stewart, Thomas Eggleson, Silas Wood, Henry C. De Rham, Thomas F. Woodruff, Francis Cottinet, David S. Kennedy, James Donaldson, Dr.

If houses have souls, as Hawthorne averred, and can remember and compare, what curious thoughts must pass through the oaken brain of this simple construction as it sees its marble neighbors rearing their vast facades among trees. The trees, too, are an innovation, for when the de Rham cottage was built and Mrs. Governor Lawrence, having sold one acre of his Ochre Point farm to Mr.