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"Didn't you ever hear that Frank Pixley had a barrel of schemes to any other man's bucket o' wind? What's Frank Pixley's repitation, lemme ast you that? I git what I go after, don't I? Now look here, you listen to me," he said, lowering his voice and shaking a bent forefinger earnestly in the policeman's face; "I'm goin' to turn the trick. And I ought to do it, too.

Why don't 'ee leg it off to the War? 'These be hard times, Nanjivell; so I'm forced to ask 'ee for your rent, or out you go. An' now along you come wi' the latest. 'Would you mind makin' yourself scarce, Mr Nanjivell, to oblige a lady as has lost confidence in her repitation? Now look 'ee here, ma'am what I said to that woman Polsue, just now, is no more than I'm able to abide by.

Gridley, nor to hurt no honest body, for I'm a poor woman, Mr. Gridley, but I comes of dacent folks, an' I vallies my repitation an' character as much as if I was dressed in silks and satins instead of this mane old gown, savin' your presence, which is the best I 've got, an' niver a dollar to buy another. But if I iver I hears a word, Mr.

"Parson," he said, "Ah've Ned Blossom's repitation to consider. Ah'll take 'em along easy-like, leastways if you're not in a hurry. Then you gives me the word when us be nobbut half mile from tha pull-up, an' I'll let 'em out champion." "You don't know Ecclesthorpe, then?" said Dixon Mallaby. "I dunno this ro'd," replied Dick.

"Mis' Cullom," said David solemnly, "you know, an' I know, that I've got the repitation of bein' a hard, graspin', schemin' man. Mebbe I be. Mebbe I've ben hard done by all my hull life, an' have had to be; an' mebbe, now 't I've got ahead some, it's got to be second nature, an' I can't seem to help it.

"All this is true enough; but we do not intend to take any unprofitable hands, or to have any unprofitable lays, You know me " "Oh! if all was like you, captain Gar'ner, I wouldn't stand even to wipe the pen. Your repitation was made in the southward, and no man can dispute your skill."

I don't like his WAYS. Then I HAD to do it. There jest wasn't nothin' LEFT but I wouldn't of done you no harm by it " "You didn't do me any harm, Happy." "I mean your repitation." "I didn't have one so nothing in the world could harm it. About your getting some work, now " "I'll listen," said Happy, rather suspiciously. "You see," Joe went on, growing red, "I need a sort of janitor here "

Man alive, for the Colonel to whip me on the peg in that way! Me that have saved the repitation av a ten times better man than him! Twas ne-farious an' that manes a power av evil!" "Never mind the nefariousness," I said. "Whose reputation did you save?" "More's the pity, 'twasn't my own, but I tuk more trouble wid ut than av ut was. 'Twas just my way, messin' wid fwhat was no business av mine.

Believe me or not as you like, but I advise you to look arter that there 'ouse on the 31st if you valley your repitation." Tim went off like a congreve rocket, dashed down a side street, sloped into an alley, and melted into a wilderness of bricks and mortar.

Ye're aye saying them that come unsent for should sit unserved; but wha sent for this billy oot o' France? and wha has been sae coothered up as he has since he cam' here? The Baron doesnae ken the shifts that you and me's been put to for to save his repitation.