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Treaties, renunciations, and oaths, all of which the King had already broken, appeared feeble guarantees in the eyes of Europe. Something stronger was sought for. It could not be found; because there is nothing more sacred among men than engagements which they consider binding on each other.

We all ought to go and drink at that new source of the Ideal, and we should return purified, rejuvenated and capable of great renunciations!" As a matter of fact she had been well-nigh bored to death there.

"Your bets?" she asked, with a look. "My renunciations, forfeits, whatever you choose to call them. I have been fairly and squarely beaten but by nature, not by art. That is my consolation." Laughter struck into her eyes like a shaft of sunlight into a well; her emotions were no longer to be distinguished.

Now the artist, the discoverer, the philosopher, the lover, the patriot the true enthusiast for any form of life can only achieve the full reality to which his special art or passion gives access by innumerable renunciations.

The embarrassment of all the courtiers and the surprise of the magistracy may be imagined. The renunciations were then read; and by these the King of Spain and his posterity gave up all claim to the throne of France, and M. le Duc d'Orleans, and M. le Duc de Berry to succeed to that of Spain. These and other forms occupied a long time. The chamber was all the while crowded to excess.

Maria Theresa, upon her marriage with our King, had solemnly renounced all claim to the Spanish throne, and these renunciations had been repeated at the Peace of the Pyrenees. The other obstacle was the affection the King of Spain bore to the House of Austria, an affection which naturally would render him opposed to any project by which a rival house would be aggrandised at its expense.

But he answered promptly, "Take Clementina; I'll let you have her for the day," and then waited for the storm of her renunciations and denunciations to spend itself. "To be sure," she said, when this had happened, "it isn't as if she were a servant in the house; and the position can be regarded as a kind of public function, anyhow.

Don't do that! I couldn't stand it. I want some little chance at the renunciations myself." She withdrew still further from his side, and said, with a cold anger, "It's that detestable Mrs. Brinkley." "Mrs. Brinkley!" shouted Dan. "Yes; with her pessimism. I have heard her talk. She influences you. Nothing is sacred to her. It was she who took up with those army women that night."

The Love of Emily's worship was a spirit of passionate benignity, of ecstatic calm, holy in renunciations, pure unutterably in supreme attainment.

He remembered, with a feeling of relief, that she was going to his brother William; of course, she would then, among greater renunciations, be compelled to return the two keys for they, that is, his brother and himself, would have her in their power.