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'You know, continued Sergei Pavlitch after a long pause, 'that not such things.... But why am I saying this? you know everything, of course. At that instant a bell rang in the house. 'Ah! la cloche du diner! cried Mlle. Boncourt, 'rentrons.

It is dark in the wagonette, and not so merry as it might have been. The coachman loses the road. So-and-so tries to light fireworks with the most indifferent success. Some sing, but the rest are too weary to applaud; and it seems as if the festival were fairly at an end 'Nous avons fait la noce, Rentrons a nos foyers!

Bakkus, who had maintained a discreet silence hitherto, remarked: "Unless Andrew's head is particularly thick, he'll get a sunstroke in this blazing sun." "That's true," cried Elodie and, rising with a great scraping of chair, she rushed to the balustrade and addressed him shrilly. "Mais dis donc Andre, tu veux attraper un coup de soleil?" We heard his voice in reply: "Nous rentrons."

It is dark in the wagonette, and not so merry as it might have been. The coachman loses the road. So-and-so tries to light fireworks with the most indifferent success. Some sing, but the rest are too weary to applaud; and it seems as if the festival were fairly at an end "Nous avons fait la noce, Rentrons

"Vous etes trap jeune pour comprendre ces choses." "Oh alors vous ne savez pas vous-meme!" I cried triumphantly, "Sans cela vous me diriez." "Elisabeth, vous ecrirez, des que nous rentrons, leverbe Prier le bon Dieu de m'Aider a ne plus Etre si Impertinente."

"Plus fin que Pachmann!" he reiterated, waving his arms wildly, and dancing. "Tu auras une migraine affreuse. Rentrons, petit coeur!" said George Sand, gently but firmly. "Laisse-moi le saluer," cried the composer, struggling in her grasp. "Demain soir, oui. Il sera parmi nous," said the novelist, as she hurried him away.

"CHER MONSIEUR, Excusez mon retard a vous remercier de votre aimable lettre du 16 courant. Nous rentrons a peine et vous savez ce que c'est qu'une rentree en ville. "Hafiz malheureusement n'est pas traduit que je sache en francais. Il en existe une traduction allemande en 3 vol....