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The unhappy Baphomet, dismayed by these extreme proceedings, vanished entirely, and, no expense being spared through the whole of the costly tableaux, Lucifer manifested on a throne of diamonds, but whether the gems were furnished from the treasury of Avernus or from the pockets of bamboozled Freemasons through the wide world, les renseignements do not state.

Si vous pouvez venir m'y voir, je serai tres heureux, car j'ai encore besoin de quelques renseignements complimentaires. Vous m'avez offert l'hospitalite du Dean, et je lui ai ecrit que je l'acceptais. Mais en quoi consiste cette hospitalite? Simple luncheon suivi d'un depart, ou diner et coucher au doyenne?

Les debats ne sont pas publics; les candidats n'ecrivent pas de demande; celui qui les propose parle en son propre noni, ct est meme cense les proposer a leur insu. Enfin, le public ne connait que le nom de l'elu. Je crois que vous avez envoye a M. Barthelemy St.-Hilaire les renseignements necessaires. Si cela n'est pas fait, faites-le, je vous prie, sans delai.

I ascertained, in truth, both at Vienna, to which I first repaired in order to verify the renseignements I had obtained at Paris, and at Baden, to which I then bent my way, that this brilliant noble had a favourite valet who had lived with him from his youth an Italian, who had contrived in the course of his service to lay by savings enough to set up a hotel somewhere in Italy, supposed to be Pisa.

And then suddenly Maurice saw Madame Marly. She was without a hat and scattering her terrified staff with her eye. She came straight to him, her voice was mocking. "Maintenant, je peux donner des renseignements

I was received by the official in charge of the Bureau des Renseignements with bland politeness tempered with suspicion that I might be taking a mental photograph of the office furniture in order to betray its secret to a foreign government. After many comings and goings of orderlies and underlings, he told me very little in complicated and reluctant language.

I ascertained, in truth, both at Vienna, to which I first repaired in order to verify the renseignements I had obtained at Paris, and at Baden, to which I then bent my way, that this brilliant noble had a favourite valet who had lived with him from his youth an Italian, who had contrived in the course of his service to lay by savings enough to set up a hotel somewhere in Italy, supposed to be Pisa.

Vous avez bien voulu me communiquer une dépêche de Lord Kitchener faisant connaître que le Gouvernement anglais allait envoyer incessamment aux Dardanelles trois nouvelles divisions et des vaisseaux moins vulnérables aux sous-marins. D'après les renseignements qui m'ont été donnés, on annonce 14 de ces monitors; 4 seraient armés de pièces de 35