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Everybody of the name of Van Zyl in the district of Graaf Reinet was deported! not a single person was left on their farms except those who had driven them out of them. And after these had done their work the victims were told, "Now you can return home." Some had to walk back many miles to their farms, to find only ruin left.

Von Bloom escaped by flight; but his fine property in the Graaf Reinet was confiscated and given to another. Many years after we find him living in a remote district beyond the great Orange River, leading the life of a "trek-boer," that is, a nomade farmer, who has no fixed or permanent abode, but moves with his flocks from place to place, wherever good pastures and water may tempt him.

How surprised were the good people of Graaf Reinet, when, one morning, a cap-tent wagon, drawn by twelve quaggas, and followed by four riders mounted upon animals of the same kind, pulled up in the public square of their little town!

"They are just as likely to have gone in one direction as another," answered Hendrik, "and suppose we look for them in the direction of Graaf Reinet." This remark but increased Willem's despair, for it showed an unwillingness on the part of his comrade to make any farther delay on account of their misfortune.

Again the journey towards Graaf Reinet was resumed, and day by day was prosecuted with all the speed that could be made in safety to their animals. The return journey was not completed until they had suffered many hardships, and had more than once nearly lost the two young giraffes.

The delays caused by his explorations had been a source of constant annoyance to the others; but as Willem had a will of his own, one, nevertheless, united with a disposition so cheerful as to be proof against any attempts at a controversy, his companions were compelled to be content with the knowledge that they were slowly progressing towards Graaf Reinet.

The commandants this justice must be rendered to them generally meant well, but, unfortunately, they were assisted by men of less stable character as intelligence officers. These, in their turn, unwisely without due inquiry, engaged subordinates, upon whom they relied for their information. Graaf Reinet people had had to put up with something akin to the Spanish Inquisition.

The giraffe could then be secured with rheims and become their travelling companion for the rest of the journey to Graaf Reinet. About their coming there was much uncertainty, at least, their coming in time. They would wait for his return perhaps, until the next morning, before starting out in search of him.

In that I have killed and murdered John Vondeling, a native and British subject, at Tweefontein, Graaff Reinet. In this case it was proved by the witnesses for the defence that the native had been shot three days before my arrival at the farm where the murder was committed. 3rd Charge: Murder. About the 18th of March, 1901, I had killed and brutally murdered a native at Prinsfontein, Tarkastad.

Nothing more could be done for that day, and Willem now declared his willingness to return to Graaf Reinet and die. Hope had departed from his heart, and he no longer felt a desire to live. Hendrik and Arend, although sympathising with him in their common misfortune, exchanged looks of congratulation. They would now be permitted to go home.