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All the long place was reekingly hot, with a strong smell of human effluvia, of sweat-dampened clothing, of blood and powder grime. There was not much crying aloud; only when a man was brought in raving, or when there came a sharp scream from some form under the surgeon's knife. But the place seemed one groan, a sound that swelled or sank, but never ceased.

There was something both heathenish and pathetic in the whole thing. The place was reekingly hot. "Come on," said Joan, her blood stirred by the movement and sound. Palgrave held her close and edged his way into the crowd between pointed bare elbows and tightly clasped hands. "They call this dancing!" he said. "What do you call it?" "A bullfight in Hades."

But she could never get herself to keep up the earnest clowning of bedroom calisthenics; gymnasiums were either reekingly crowded or too expensive and even to think of undressing and dressing for a gymnasium demanded more initiative than was left in her fagged organism. There was walking but city streets become tiresomely familiar. Of sports she was consistently ignorant.

Here is the reekingly rich soil of the great Delta that name not meaning the wide marshes of the actual mouth of the Mississippi, but the fat accumulated soil of centuries caged in by that long, incurving dam of the hills which, far inland from the current of the swift water-way, begins at the head of the vast body of tangled Yazoo lands, and drops down, pinching in at the base of a great "V," where the bluffs converge near Vicksburg.

Just for an instant the Senior Surgeon's narrowing eyes probed mercilessly into the reekingly false little smile. Then altogether brutally he shrugged his shoulders. "I don't care where in blazes you sit!" he muttered, and went on into the house. With an air of unalterable finality the massive oak door closed after him.