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"We can use the Redax, as I have said from the start." Ashe straightened, his mouth tight, his eyes hard and angry. "And I'll protest that ... to the council! Man, we're dealing with human beings selected volunteers, men who trust us not with laboratory animals!" Ruthven's thick lips pouted into what was close to a smile of derision. "Always the sentimentalists, you experts in the past!

He examined Angelo's wound, and was really minded to say nothing for once; but Aunt Patsy was so anxious and so pressing that he allowed his caution to be overcome, and proceeded to empty himself as follows, with scientific relish: "Without going too much into detail, madam for you would probably not understand it, anyway I concede that great care is going to be necessary here; otherwise exudation of the esophagus is nearly sure to ensue, and this will be followed by ossification and extradition of the maxillaris superioris, which must decompose the granular surfaces of the great infusorial ganglionic system, thus obstructing the action of the posterior varioloid arteries, and precipitating compound strangulated sorosis of the valvular tissues, and ending unavoidably in the dispersion and combustion of the marsupial fluxes and the consequent embrocation of the bicuspid populo redax referendum rotulorum."

They had volunteered for the team and successfully passed the tests to weed out the temperamentally unfit or fainthearted. But all that was before Redax.... Why had they been submitted to that? And why this flight? What had pushed Dr. Ashe and Murdock and Colonel Kelgarries, time agents he knew and trusted, into dispatching them without warning to Topaz?

"My people live in two times, and many do not realize that." Tsoay had crouched down beside them to listen. Now he put out his hand, touching Travis' shoulder. "Redax?" "Or its like." For Travis was sure of one point.

Nolan was a quiet man who seldom spoke, and whose opinion Travis could not foretell. Tsoay would back Buck. Probably such a divided party was the best Travis could have hoped to gather. A delegation composed entirely of those who were ready to leave the past of the Redax a collection of Bucks and Jil-Lees was outside the bounds of possibility.

There was the urge to invade the towers, to discover their secret, and flaring higher and higher the beginnings of a new fear. Was he now a battlefield for the superstitions of his race reborn by the Redax and his modern education in the Pinda-lick-o-yi world half Apache brave of the past, half modern archaeologist with a thirst for knowledge?

The moans were now a gobbling, burbling, almost continuous cry as he reached his goal a small cabin still intact. For long moments of anguish he paused by the chair there, afraid that he could not make the last effort, raise his almost inert bulk up to the point where he could reach the Redax release.

In Travis education warred with instinct, just as the picture Redax had planted in his mind had warred with his awaking to this alien landscape. Yet now he believed he must be guided by what he felt. And he knew that no man of his race would claim go'ndi, the power of spirit known only to a great chief, unless he had actually felt it swell within him.

Above, the Redax, which had never been intended to stand rough usage, proved to be a better survivor of the crash than most of the other installations. Power purred along a network of lines, activated beams, turned off and on a series of fixtures in those coffin-beds. For five of the sleepers nothing. The cabin which had held them was a flattened smear against the mountain side.

There is an evil there beyond our understanding. I think that this Tatar girl, were she only to stay there a very short time, would be well frightened so frightened that any trained scientist examining her later would know there was a mystery to be explored." "The ape-things could they have tried to run the Redax?" Travis wondered. To associate machines with the creatures was outwardly pure folly.