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The post-boy was still exchanging amenities with Asie, and vehicles were collecting in the Rue du Martroi. "Look out, there Pecaire fermati. Souni la Vedrem," shrieked old Asie, with the Red-Indian intonations peculiar to these female costermongers, who disfigure their words in such a way that they are transformed into a sort onomatopoeia incomprehensible to any but Parisians.

Up and down the two rooms she paced, her two long black plaits hanging over her shoulders and accentuating the red-Indian character of her face. "How Gerald would gloat!" she thought suddenly, clenching her hands. "The beast!" The stable clock struck one. She had thought that wretched old Duchess would never want to go to bed. "I wish I could tell Pam.

Any man with half an eye could see that, by the way she looks at and speaks to you. Of course you have not observed that. I trust, my boy, you are too honourable to have encouraged it. Nevertheless, it is a fact a miserable, tantalising, exasperating fact a maddening fact, now that that hideous red-Indian Hottentot stands in the way."

When they were most quiet they were most dangerous. They used cunning as well as courage, and went out on red-Indian adventures over No Man's Land for fierce and scientific slaughter.

"Well, well," said my father, with a smile of pity, "I'll not object to humour your whim, but it's weak worthy of a man who could engage himself to a miserable red-Indian Hottentot!"

"That red-Indian Hottentot," said I, unable any longer to cause my dear father so much pain, "does not stand in the way, for I am happy to tell you that Miss Waboose and Eve are one and the same person." "Come, come, Punch," returned my parent, testily, "I'm in no humour for jesting. Go away, and let me get to bed and pillow my head on oblivion if possible."

Feeling assured, therefore, of success, our hero drew in a long breath and gave vent to a Red-Indian yell that rendered himself completely deaf. Its effect on the sleeper was electric. Edgar could just hear the beginning of a responsive yell of terror when Jem's springing up separated the helmets and produced silence.

Such horrible shrieks and appalling yells would startle a Red-Indian war-whoop into fits. I feel certain, from subsequent remarks on the subject let fall in the manner peculiar to seamen that if their wishes had been answered that night, all the waters in the sea would not have been sufficient to cool the place where they would have consigned the whole apparatus.

Uttering a terrific "hoozoo!" or some such equally wild Red-Indian hunting cry, English Chief dashed his paddle into the water; squaws and comrade followed suit; the canoe shot in among the rushes, and the whole party leaped on shore. Thus taken by surprise the swans bounced up, extended their miserable wings, uttered a trumpet-blast of alarm, and sought to fly.

In these stories also there is the honest, popular astonishment at the Upper Ten expressed by the astronomical detective, if indeed he was a detective and not a demon from the dark Red-Indian forests that faded to the horizon behind him.