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As a rule only the silly bass and red-eyes take the bait. There! Now you know all about it." The forest of seaweed with its shells and snails began to rock; a plashing and drumming could be heard and a huge red whale passed like a flash over their heads; he had a tail-fin like a cork-screw, and that was what he worked with. "That's a steamer," said the eel-mother; "make room!"

The musical box lay there all the summer. The sticklebacks taught their art to the bass, who became much more expert. And the piano became a regular fishing-ground for the summer guests, where they could always be sure to catch bass; the pilots spread out their nets round about it, and once a waiter fished there for red-eyes.

In the frame of the doorway, quiescent as an odalisque and with the golden tinge of a sunflower lighting her darkness, Miriam Binswanger held the picture for a moment, her brother greeting her with bow and banter. "Well, little red-eyes!" "Izzy, what did I just tell you!" His sister flashed him a dark glance, reflexly her hand darting upward to her face. "You!" "Now, now, children!

"It ain't likely I'm going to give myself away like that; besides, it's agin the law for a man to criminate himself. You go on and start your bigamy case, and call old red-eyes as a witness." Mrs. Gimpson gazed at him in speechless wrath and then stooping down conversed in excited whispers with Mrs. Thompson. Mrs. Boxer crossed over to her husband.

"'Was it you who answered my call, you longface? he exclaimed. "Upon this the latter growled and said: "'You had better be careful how you address me, or you may be sorry for what you say! "'Who cares for you, you red-eyes, you ugly thing! the boy replied; whereupon the grizzly immediately set upon him.

The potato has a variety of names, such as leather-jackets, blue-eyes, and red-eyes. A pretty name in Devonshire for the Veronica chamcaedrys is angel's-eyes: "Around her hat a wreath was twined Of blossoms, blue as southern skies; I asked their name, and she replied, We call them angel's-eyes." In the northern counties the poplar, on account of its bitter bark, was termed the bitter-weed.

"It ain't likely I'm going to give myself away like that; besides, it's agin the law for a man to criminate himself. You go on and start your bigamy case, and call old red-eyes as a witness." Mrs. Gimpson gazed at him in speechless wrath and then stooping down conversed in excited whispers with Mrs. Thompson. Mrs. Boxer crossed over to her husband.