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When I wrote to Madame Duse the other day to ask her permission to publish this much-prized letter, she answered: BUENOS AYRES, Septembre 11, 1907. "Chère Ellen Terry, "Au milieu du travail en Amérique, je reçois votre lettre envoyée

Vous savez avec quel plaisir je recois toujours de vos nouvelles, avec quel interet je lis toujours vos appreciations sur la situation de nos deux pays. Malgre de bien grandes differences dans l'etat politique, qui sont tout a l'avantage du votre, et dans l'etat social, qui le sont peut-etre moins, ces deux situations ne sont pas sans analogies.

Among their military choruses was one which drew tears from many a bold eye. It was a species of brief elegy to the memory of Turenne, whom the French soldier still regarded as his tutelar genius. It was said to have been written on the spot where that great leader fell: "Reçois, O Turenne, tu perdis lavie, Les transports d'un soldat, qui te plaint et t'envie.

"Oh! Cette fois je reçois bien décidément le très aimable et si bien etudié portrait du critique. Comment exprimer comme je le sens ma gratitude pour tant de soin, d'attention pénétrante, de désir d'être agréable tout en restant juste? Il y avait certes moyen d'insister bien plus sur les variations, les disparates et les défaillances momentanées de la pensée et du jugement

"Would it be any use, if I did not allow it, you pushing man?" "Very well: "'Recois mes compliments, charmant roi de la Chine." "But he is an Emperor." "Yes, but that is a politeness towards you, sire, who are only a King!" "Only!" "I continue: "'Ton trone est done place sur la double colline On sait dans l'Occident, que malgre mes travers J'ai toujours fort aime les rois qui font des vers!"

"I wish I was married and nothing to rue, With plenty of money and nothing to do." "Jane Ray, you don't sing right," the Superior would exclaim. "Oh," she would reply, with perfect coolness, "that is the English for, 'Seigneur Dieu de clemence, Recois ce grand pecheur;" and, as sung by her, a person ignorant of the language would naturally be imposed upon.

Je recois chez moi Mercredi prochaing; lonnure de vous voir Madamasel Miles ma fille;" and, Mira, now reinforcing her mamma, poured in a glib little oration in French, somewhat to the astonishment of the Colonel, who began to think, however, that perhaps French was the language of the polite world, into which he was now making his very first entree. Mrs. Mr.