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He was holding himself up with it." "Don't I tell you I understand all that perfectly? What I want to understand is how you feel about Paris. Are you absolutely off the idea?" "I couldn't go if I wasn't." "I wonder what you think Paris is like," mused the aunt. "I suppose you think it's all one wild razzle-dazzle one delirious round of of museums and picture galleries."

Then, addressing her reflection in the glass, she exclaimed: "Whee, but there's a gaudy dame! Makes a paint-box blush with shame. Razzle-dazzle, fizzle-fazzle! Howdy-do, Miss What's-your-name?" She bowed, and the reflection bowed. Then she laughed again, long and merrily, and the Glass Cat crept out from under the table and said: "I don't blame you for laughing at yourself. Aren't you horrid?"

'Am I to understand that Mr. Rawlings has arrived? 'Not 'arf, 'e 'asn't. Wait till you see Mamma's boy. 'E's a fair razzle-dazzle from top to toe. Oh, my godmother! And being seized with another burst of hysterical laughter she dashed from the room. I sighed as I put aside the French novel I had been reading when I was so rudely disturbed.

"Look here, Pen, come on down town and let's have a spree. I hate this place and this infernal camp. It gets on my nerves. I must have a change. Will you come? It's my do." "I'm with you, old thing. I know what you feel like; I get like that myself sometimes. It's a pleasure to see that you're so human. We'll go down town and razzle-dazzle for once. I'm off duty till to-night.

Sit down and think it over, doctor; you are really too bright a man to be led astray by the razzle-dazzle of Single Tax sophistry. You do your enviable reputation for intelligence a rank injustice by mistaking poor old George for an economic Messiah, and if you are not careful somebody will try to sell you a gold-brick or stock in a Klondike company. Suppose that you and Hon.

At the conclusion of the services I heard the minister announce that the church would hold a "razzle-dazzle" party on Friday evening, at which he hoped there would be a good attendance, as the church treasury was in sad need of replenishment. He also announced that all the prayer-meetings would be discontinued for two weeks, so as to permit a thorough practice for the coming Cantata.

"You can't stay here. They'll find out too much eventually." He paused, estimating Gordon. "You can go back to Earth, Bruce, but you won't like it now. You're a fighter. And there's hell brewing on Mercury worse than here. We've got permission to send you there, if you'll go. With a yellow ticket, again but without any razzle-dazzle this time.

And when it comes down to talking about grouches I suppose you'll be real pleased to know this will be sweet news, probably, to you I've been fired!" "Fired? Oh, Ed!" "Yes, fired-oh-Ed. Canned. Got the gate. Thrown out. Got the razzle-dazzle. Got the hook thrown into me. Bounced. Kiyudeled.

If she thinks Alcira is anything like the places where they dance the razzle-dazzle and there's no shame, she'll be sadly disappointed." Don Andrés laughed slyly. "Yes, boys! She'll be disappointed. There's a plenty of morality in this town, and much wholesome fear of scandal. We're probably as bad as people in other places, but we don't want anybody to find us out.

The razzle-dazzle of London doesn't appeal to a man much, when he's been on the bend in sea-ports. Humph! "And Miss Flagg took my manuscript and went crazy about it. She said she sat up all night to read it. Knowing what I do of women now, I think she was a liar. Besides, anyone could read it in two or three hours. The point is she told the publisher that lie, and he believed it.