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Hodge and Rattleton are looking out for her and Elsie." "Look here, Merry," said Browning, placing his hand on Frank's shoulder and mopping his flushed face with a handkerchief, "who was the lunatic that tried to push her into the river?" "I think you have justly called him a lunatic," nodded Merry. "I am confident the man is deranged.

He could hear Rattleton and Robinson whooping wildly, but he knew no time was to be lost in getting away, so he caugh up the gobbler and ran. Frank heard the farmer calling for him to stop, but, with Mr. Gobbler dangling on his back, he fled the faster. The gun spoke, but he was not touched, and he did not stop to look around, so he did not know how Harry had saved him.

"I say, Merriwell!" he cried, "are you out for a little sport to-night?" "That depends on what sort of sport it is." "'Sh!" said Little, mysteriously. "Close the door, uncle." A fellow by the name of Silas Blossom, who was familiarly called "uncle," obeyed. Little looked at Rattleton and then stared hard at Jones, who had the face of a parson.

The weather for the first two days was fine, and the young collegians enjoyed every minute, not one of them having a touch of sea-sickness till the third day. Then Rattleton was seized, and he lay in his bunk, groaning and dismal, even though he tried to be cheerful at times. Browning enjoyed everything, even Rattleton's misery, for he could be lazy to his heart's content.

I am going down there and try to bring Harris out!" "You're a fool!" chattered Harry Rattleton. "Think of the oil and powder down there! The stuff is liable to explode any moment! You shall not go!" Frank saw a coil of rope at a distance. He rushed for it, brought it to the hold, let an end drop and dangle into the darkness from whence the smoke rolled up.

The fourth batter up struck out, and again Harvard was retired without a score, which caused the Yale crowd to cheer so that some of the lads got almost black in the face. "Well! well! well!" laughed Rattleton, as Deacon Dunning passed over the money he had been holding. "This is like chicking perries I mean picking cherries. All I have to do is to reach out and take what I want."

His roommate was a rollicking, headstrong, thoughtless young fellow from Ohio. Harry Rattleton was his name, and it seemed to fit him perfectly. He had a way of speaking rapidly and heedlessly and turning his expressions end for end. Frank had been able to assist Harry at examination.

It was Frank's scheme to spend the summer months abroad, while studying in the attempt to catch up with his class and pass examinations on re-entering college in the fall. And he had brought along his three friends, Browning, Diamond and Rattleton. They were on their way to England. Frank was happy.

Then the door of the room where the other freshmen were confined was thrust open, and Harry Rattleton excitedly cried: "Whee jiz I mean jee whiz! what do you fellows think? Do you imagine we are going to stay penned in here while there is a scrap going on? Well, I guess not! We're coming out!"

He filled his lungs with the crisp, clear air, and it made him feel like a young race horse, but he held himself in check. Street actually loafed along, although he managed to keep his place. "If one of us is caught, he'll be like the gangplank of a steamer," called Harry as they left the main part of the city and entered the suburbs. "How's that?" asked Blossom. "Pulled in," chirped Rattleton.