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Hence to Cape Breton the names are illegibly photographed. It would be a singular circumstance, leading to some speculation, if they should really be spelt with the two z's on the original. The southerly coast of Terra Nova for an hundred leagues, and its easterly coast running to the north, are delineated, with the Portuguese name of C. Raso and the island of Baccalaos barely legible.

The broad, masterly technique of the Cobham Hall picture in no way accords, however, with Vasari's description, and marks a degree of accomplishment such as no boy of eighteen, not even Titian, could have attained. And then Vasari's "giubbone di raso inargentato" is not the superbly luminous steel-grey sleeve of this Ariosto, but surely a vest of satin embroidered with silver.

Claude Phillips, in his Earlier Work of Titian, p. 58, note, objects that Vasari's "giubone di raso inargentato" is not the superbly luminous steel-grey sleeve of this "Ariosto," but surely a vest of satin embroidered with silver. I think we need not examine Vasari's casual descriptions quite so closely; "a doublet of silvered satin wherein the stitches could be counted" is fairly accurate.

Cape Race for example the most prominent point of the island is really the Portuguese Cabo Raso the bare or "shaved" cape and this was by the Spaniards regarded as the westernmost limit of Portuguese sovereignty in that direction. For the Spaniards were by no means pleased at the intrusion of other nations into a New World which they desired to monopolize entirely for the Spanish Crown.

And what's this?" continued he, turning to Chane and examining his shoulders. "Bah! soldado raso Irlandes, carajo!" There, renegade!" and he kicked the Irishman in the ribs. "Thank yer honner!" said Chane, with a grunt, "small fayvours thankfully received; much good may it do yer honner!" "Here, Lopez!" shouted the brigand. "Now for the fire!" thought we.

Cape Race has received its permanent name, "Raso" and, although only the east coast of Newfoundland is named, there is no possibility of mistaking the easternmost point of Cape Breton. Here, then, in 1505, is in this island of St.