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Captain Staunton looked eagerly among the crowd of ruffianly faces for that of Ralli, determined to avenge with his own hand the multitudinous wrongs and insults which this man had heaped upon him and his dearest ones; but the Greek was nowhere to be seen.

I really do not know whether I ought to explain myself to you; I scarcely think you deserve it after your recent threats no; I will keep my own counsel; you shall remain in your ignorance." And he turned to walk away. "Stop," gasped Ralli, "what is it you mean? I must know." Lance paused for a full minute as though irresolute; at last he said

The miserable cowardly wretch screamed at first more piercingly even than poor May had done; but Bob commanded silence so imperatively and with such frightful threats that Ralli was fairly cowed into submitting to the rest of his fearful punishment in silence, save for such low moans as he was utterly unable to suppress.

He is my enemy, and his friends are therefore my enemies also; and they will be treated as such; do you understand me?" "Not in the least," said Lance, "I have not the faintest notion of your meaning." "Then listen to me and I will explain," said Ralli, his eyes gleaming vindictively. "Do you know that your friend yonder is fated never to return?" "What is the meaning of this?" thought Lance.

"I think he is," was the reply. "Yes, there he is, over there. Here, Dickinson! you're wanted." "Ay, ay," answered Dickinson. "Who wants me?" "I do," answered Bob. "Mr Ralli says you're to shift over at once."

Ralli Bros. have also made but one change in all the long years they have been established here, from 9, Clive Row to their present offices, which they greatly improved and enlarged on entering into possession. Anderson Wright & Co. opened their first office at 12, Clive Row, but, as far as I can recollect, they did not stay there very long before they removed to their present place of business.

"You presume I will have the craft launched at once," repeated Ralli, the spirit of opposition rising strong within him, and the sneer upon his lips growing more bitter with every word he uttered. "Why should you presume any such thing, eh, you sare?" "Because it is the right and proper thing to do," answered Lance. "Every lubber knows that a ship is launched before she is rigged.

They accordingly shouldered it, and, staggering under the load, proceeded upon their way, which led them close past the spot where Ralli stood.

A somewhat excited debate then ensued, Ralli making himself especially conspicuous by his opposition to Johnson; but in the end the latter succeeded in carrying his point, and the construction of the vessel was definitely decided upon. Lance was then called upon to submit his drawings for inspection; which he forthwith did, explaining at the same time the peculiarities of the design.

By the time I get back I reckon you'll have the schooner pretty nigh ready for launching, eh?" "I hope so," said Lance. "By the bye, have you made any arrangements for letting us have the arms you promised? That fellow Ralli, as you have remarked " "The arms? Well, now, only to think of that!" exclaimed Johnson with well-feigned annoyance.