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She had been seated at the piano during this conversation, and now resumed her playing executing a sonata of Beethoven's with faultless precision and the highest form of taught expression; so much emphasis upon each note careful rallentando here, a gradual crescendo there; nothing careless or slapdash from the first bar to the last.

At the third line of the verse the evangelist joined in great massive tones, beating time vigorously in a rallentando. "Love so amazing, so divine, Demands my soul, my life, my all." The effect was a great emotional climax, the spiritual atmosphere was charged with fervour.

Among other points to be noted is the fact that sudden transition from repose to restless activity calls for an accelerando, while the reverse requires a rallentando. It is absolutely imperative for one who would interpret music to cultivate the memory.

A second gesture from the manager and the great orchestra subsided, more gradually, with rallentando passages and meteoric showers of notes scattered among the foliage; but nothing better could be expected from a company of three thousand persons.

And renewing their intimacy after a hiatus of a little less than a year Claire had found her unchanged. It was a truculent affair, this Dream of Psyche. It was not so much dancing as shadow boxing. It began mildly enough to the accompaniment of pizzicato strains from the orchestra Psyche in her training quarters. Rallentando Psyche punching the bag. Diminuendo Psyche using the medicine ball.

Where the cantilena appears, every melodic tone must stand apart from the tones of the accompaniment as if in "relief." Compare with this etude the introduction to the Capriccio in B minor, with orchestra, by Felix Mendelssohn, first page. Aside from a few rallentando places, the etude is to be played strictly in time.

We sat listening, while the game ended and another followed in its place. Suddenly she began to sing again "Then three times round went that gallant ship, And three times round went she; Then three times round went that gallant ship, And sank to the bottom of the sea ea ee " There was a little wailing rallentando, and silence. "Philly, Philly, don't!"

She was dressed in white of the most elaborate simplicity, and her shaded hair looked even more crisply conspicuous than on the night before. The last line of the song did not come to an end until she was half-way across the dining-room floor, and so far from being dismayed by her aunt's stare of disapproval, she only laughed, waved her hands, and threw an extra flourish into the rallentando.

I might have known by this time that he had not, still I went through the pantomime of writing with my finger on my cuff. But he shrugged and shook his head. "Niente," said he. "Una quistione di vita, di vita!" "What's that?" I snapped, my early training come in again. "Say it slowly andante rallentando." Thank Italy for the stage instructions in the songs one used to murder!

The other instances are offered by the two apparitions of Ulric Brendel in Rosmersholm. Such a rallentando effect is like the apparent pause in the rush of a river before it thunders over a precipice. The possibility of suspending tension is of wider import than may at first sight appear. But for it, our dramas would have to be all bone and muscle, like the figures in an anatomical textbook.