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He is a large quoter, though, with his usual inconsistency, he says, "I am no admirer of quotations." In the Epimetheus of a poet usually as elegant as Gray himself, one's finer sense is a little jarred by the "Spectral gleam their snow-white dresses." "Those overwhelming armies.... Whose rear lay wrapt in night, while breaking dawn Roused the broad front and called the battle on."

His own good things from the lips of another "came back to him with alienated majesty," as Emerson expresses it. Then the thought would steal over him Why should that man gain a living with my witticisms, and I not use them in the same way myself? why not be the utterer of my own coinage, the quoter of my own jests, the mouthpiece of my own merry conceits?

Hunt, a dull potato-eating blockhead of no greater value to God or man than any ox or dray-horse who is not an admirer of Voltaire's romans, a worshipper of Lord Holland and Mr. Haydon and a quoter of John Buncle and Chaucer's Flower and Leaf. Every woman is useful only as a breeding machine, unless she is fond of reading Launcelot of the Lake, in an antique summer-house.

Here, again, I fancy that partizan prejudice had something to do with the dislike. Hunt was a radical in politics and religion. Moreover there was a feline strain in his character, which made it necessary for him to scratch somebody now and then, as a relief to his feelings. Walton was a great quoter.

"From France to Italy my steps I bent, And pitcht at Arno's side my household tent. Six years the Medicean Palace held My wandering Lares; then they went afield, Where the hewn rocks of Fiesole impend O'er Doccia's dell, and fig and olive blend." "How did you come to know that?" asked Margery, the usual poetry quoter. "I didn't have to go far for it.

He is rather like one of Dickens's agreeable Bohemians, a pleasant companion, a quoter of fine verses. His villainy seems an artificial thing attached to him, like his wooden leg. Micawber. He tells Mr. Boffin that he will drop into poetry in a friendly way. He does drop into it in a friendly way; in much too really a friendly way to make him convincing as a mere calculating knave. He and Mr.

Mordecai was received with welcoming voices which had a slight cadence of compassion in them, but naturally all glances passed immediately to his companion. "I have brought a friend who is interested in our subjects," said Mordecai. "He has traveled and studied much." "Is the gentlemen anonymous? Is he a Great 'Unknown?" said the broad-chested quoter of Shelley, with a humorous air.

If the writer gives the words as we find them in our Gospels, he attempts to show that the father or heretic need not have even seen our present Gospels; for, inasmuch as our present Gospels have many things in common which are derived from an earlier source, the quoter may have derived the words he quotes from the earlier source.

And now it came to him that she was infinitely more fine, more beautiful, and more clever than Senta, and that her pure and fragrant freshness, her simple directness, her candid likes and dislikes, would make Ivy seem no more than a jaded sophist, a quoter of mere words, a worshipper of empty form. To have Julia in London!

They were paid well for delivering the owners of the land to the plantations, and in addition they got the land. Now, my acquaintance is a man of university education, a quoter of Haeckel and Darwin, with "survival of the fittest" as his guiding motto since his Jena days.