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When he's cross he pulls his eyebrows together so there's a little lump between them. You want to pinch it. And when he smiles he's got the sweetest expression around his mouth, Kate! As if he was just so full of the old nick he couldn't behave if he tried. You know little quirky creases at the corners, and a twinkle in his eyes oh, good night! He's just so good looking, honestly, it's a sin.

"Well, for one thing," says I, "she has china blue eyes that widen out when they look at you, and a queer, quirky little smile that " "How thrilling!" says Vee. "You must know her very well." "Almost that," says I. "Anyway, I know someone that did know her very well once." "Oh!" says Vee, forgettin' all about the yarn windin' and hitchin' her chair up close. "That does sound interesting.

While the likeness is excellent, the flesh tones much as I remember them, yet I fancy a great deal has escaped the brush, the queer, quirky little smile, for instance, that used to come at times in the mouth corners, a quick tilting of the chin as she talked, and that trick of widening the eyes as she looked at you. China blue, I think her eyes would be called; rather unusual eyes, in fact."

I've been counting on you, Minnie. You've been here so long. You know," he said to his wife, "when I was a little shaver I thought Minnie had webbed-feet she was always on the bank, like a duck. You ARE a duck, Minnie," he says to me; "a nice red-headed duck! Now don't be quirky and spoil everything." I couldn't be light-hearted to save my life. "Your sister's been wild all day," I told Mrs. Dick.

Stokes calls 'vanities. There is a queer, quirky, little old gentleman who visits here, who said that Helen owed her great success in society to her 'tact. Oh! Edward, she owes her sorrow to her ambition. Would you believe it possible that she, the beauty of Abbeyweld, who for so long a time seemed to us satisfied with that distinction, is not satisfied now.

Course any paid performer would have been tickled to death to have a crowd break loose like that; but Miss Hampton acts a bit dazed by it all. For a second or so she stands there gazin' sort of puzzled, bitin' her upper lip. Then she springs that quirky, good-natured smile of hers, bows a couple of times, and proceeds to help the accompanist gather up the flowers and stack 'em on the piano.

Ensued a nose bold and broad, freckled and inclined to puggishness; a wide and generous mouth, quirky as to the corners of it; high cheek bones; and a square, freckled jaw all these ill-assorted features poised on a strong and muscular neck. Sedgwick, himself small and dark and wiry, regarded Mr. Boland with a scorning and deprecatory but with private approval. "You're getting on, you know.

If you think an automobile race is an easy thing to manage, try it. Every man who drives a racing-car has a coloratura soprano beaten to death for temperament. Then every racing-car has quirky spells; there's the local committee to propitiate; the track to look after; and if that isn't enough, there's the promotion itself, the advertising. That's my stunt the advertising."

There is a subtle informality, a delightful easiness, perhaps even a faint immorality essentially literary, about the quill. The quill is rich in suggestion and quotation. There are quills that would quote you Montaigne and Horace in the hands of a trades-union delegate. And those quirky, idle noises this pen makes are delightful, and would break your easy fluency with wit.

"Wha-a-at?" says he, starin'. "Not really?" Miss Hampton comes back at him with that quirky smile of hers. "Why the intense surprise?" says she. "But I didn't dream," says Mr. Robert, "that you ever did anything so er " "Commonplace?" "Early-Victorian," he corrects. "Cook?" says she. "Oh, dear, yes! I can wash dishes, too." "Can you?" says he. "I'm fine at wiping 'em." "Such conceit!" says she.