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Alexander paid his first visit on May 14th, and she died of quinsy or diphtheria on May 29, 1814. It was of him the Court gossipers assiduously circulated reports that he was paying suspicious attention to Josephine after the divorce.

But suppose they met, and things shouldn't run smoothly, and there should be an explosion would there be danger to Benjamin?" William King whistled. "After all these years!" Then he reflected. "Well, of course, sir, he is an old man. But he is like iron, Dr. Lavendar. When he had quinsy two years ago, I thought he had come to the end. Not a bit of it! He's iron.

The angry borzois whined and getting free of the leash rushed past the horses' feet at the wolf. The wolf paused, turned its heavy forehead toward the dogs awkwardly, like a man suffering from the quinsy, and, still slightly swaying from side to side, gave a couple of leaps and with a swish of its tail disappeared into the skirt of the wood.

She eyed it critically, her deft fingers manipulating the neckband. A little frown gathered between her eyes. "Somehow a woman in a flannel shirt always looks as if she had quinsy. It's the collar. They cut them like a man's small-size. But a woman's neck is as different from a man's as her collarbone is." She picked up a piece of flannel and smoothed it on the cutting-table.

QUINSY. This is an inflammation of the tonsils, or common inflammatory sore throat; commences with a slight feverish attack, with considerable pain and swelling of the tonsils, causing some difficulty in swallowing; as the attack advances, these symptoms become more intense, there is headache, thirst, a painful sense of tension, and acute darting pains in the ears.

You couldn't see the joining, but art, exquisite art, and pulsing nature had been combined into a love story that took you by the throat like the quinsy. I broke into Pettit's room and beat him on the back and called him names names high up in the galaxy of the immortals that we admired. And Pettit yawned and begged to be allowed to sleep. On the morrow, I dragged him to an editor.

We stopped a little at the house of a Mr. Cutts, a man of some note in these parts; but he being from home, and one of the children sick with a quinsy, we went up the river to Strawberry Bank, where we tarried over night.

That very morning, I saw announced in the paper, just beneath poor Andrew's hand, as he held it up at the breakfasttable, reading it, I saw among the deaths, Sir Abraham Harrington, of Torquay, Baronet, of quinsy! Twice that good man has come to my rescue! Oh! I welcomed him as a piece of Providence! I turned and said to Harriet, "I see they have put poor Papa in the paper." Harriet was staggered.

The cows would suffer, too, unless father had thrown down hay enough for them; and the fires would go out, and what would father and mother think when they came home to-morrow? Would I frighten them by screaming and pounding? Would I add to my cold, and have quinsy sore throat again?

"Tell Tom I am very much obliged to him." But what they did tell Tom was that the quinsy had broken, on which he gave three cheers more. Madam Liberality grew up into much the same sort of person that she was when a child.