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Seems we've got to take it all to pieces to get it right. Seems to me the person wot made this clock didn't know much about clock-making. Seems to me " "Be quiet, William!" "We was be quietin' 'fore you came in," said Jimmy, severely. "You 'sturbed us." "Leave it just as it is, William," said his mother. "You don't unnerstand," said William with the excitement of the fanatic.

But in my destraction and agony of sole, I bethought me of one meens of quietin' him and as it were terrifyin' him into silence and be the meens of gettin' on him to leave the seen. I begoned to Ardelia to come forward and I sez in a whisper to her, "Take out your pencil and a piece of paper and stand up in front of him and go to writin' some of your poetry,"

"Did ye iver see such an eye an' hand? That avil baste that's killed two Injins already an' all the men o' the place sneakin' behind dures, an' she walkin' up cool as leaf in mornin' dew, an' quietin' the divil's own! Did ye iver see annything like it, sir you that's seen so much?" "Madame, it is not touch of hand alone, or voice alone," answered Charley.

"So then we tried some of it ourselves, and ra'ly begun to like it, so we've got into the habit of drinkin' it along through the winter, it's so quietin', and may not be no special need of it, so far as we can see, but then, it's allus well enough to be on the safe side, for there's no knowin'," concluded Grandma, solemnly, "what disease may be a growin' up inside of you."

Anon the fiery energy that wuz makin' a planet, wuz hearn in deafenin' peals of thunder, and blazed through the sky in sheets of lightnin' and dartin' balls of flame, quietin' down some after awhile. And the Voice continued: "The spirit of God moved on the face of the deep. And God said, Let there be light; and there wuz light."

"Did ye iver see such an eye an' hand? That avil baste that's killed two Injins already an' all the men o' the place sneakin' behind dures, an' she walkin' up cool as leaf in mornin' dew, an' quietin' the divil's own! Did ye iver see annything like it, sir you that's seen so much?" "Madame, it is not touch of hand alone, or voice alone," answered Charley.

"I tell you that critter is dangerous, and you've got to get him. Instead of quietin' down he'll be growin' worse." There were eleven men in Smyrna, besides Zeburee Nute, who held commissions as constables, and those valiant officers Cap'n Sproul called into the first selectman's office that forenoon. He could not tell them any news.

"It ain't so lurid," said Jerry, "but it's interestin' 'cause it's kind o' teachin' me how to put two and two together so's they'll figger up to make four, if you know what I mean, and then I'm a mite stirred up myself about that game to-morrer and it's quietin' to my nerves."

"Them steers are quietin' down. They've been scared, but not bad yet. I reckon the whole herd has moved a few miles this way since I was here." "They didn't browse that distance not in less than an hour. Cattle aren't sheep." "No, they jest run it, en' that looks bad." "Lassiter, what frightened them?" repeated Jane, impatiently. "Put down your glass. You'll see at first better with a naked eye.

Peter stirred uneasily in his chair. "I don't keer about holdin' no talk with 'er ur startin' 'er off by the sight o' me but I'll go thar I see 'er door ain't shet an' I'll put the grub whar she'll see it." "Well, that'll do," agreed Mrs. Slogan. "Feedin' 'er ain't a-goin' to make 'er any wuss, an' it mought have a quietin' effect."