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"Lighting his fool fire queered the whole deal," he added. As he again heavily cursed the blunderer, the others murmured to each other various I told you so's. "You'd never have built that fire, Steve," said one. "I said that when we spied the smoke," said another. "I said, 'That's none of Steve's work, lighting fires and revealing to us their whereabouts."

But you've queered our man, and he can't face such a battle with a two-inch cut at the back of his head. There's only one thing to be done, sir, and that is for you to take his place. If you can lick Ted Barton you may lick the Master of Croxley, but if you don't we're done, for there's no one else who is in the same street with him in this district.

Jim and the other rangers why, they don't know any more than I. It's a great thing, and I've queered my chance with the Government." "No, you haven't neither has Jim not if you'll be straight from now on. You can't keep faith with Buell. He tried to kidnap me. That lets you out. We'll spoil Buell's little deal and save Penetier. A letter to father will do it.

Garrison stared coldly, blankly at Drake, shook free his arm, and passed on. "Gee, what a cut!" mused the book-maker, staring after the rapidly retreating figure of Garrison. "The frozen mitt for sure. What's happened now? Where's he been the past six months? Wearing the same clothes, too! Well, somehow I've queered myself for good. I don't know what I did or didn't.

They used to like my work because I never queered their speeches by leaving out punctuation or mixing up the characters. The manager there said I could have work any time I wanted it. I've got my own typewriter. I got it second hand when I first started in. Henry picks around on it sometimes, evenings. I hardly ever touch it. It's getting rusty and so am I."

Dave, however, went about his work all but unconsciously. Never much of an egotist, he declined to believe himself the star man of the Navy eleven. When Coach Havens called off the two teams that were to play that day, Jetson observed that he was not called for either. "It looks as though Darrin has queered me," muttered that midshipman gloomily to himself.

And the reason I'm out here now is because I left some things in the pocket, amongst them" she stared at him mockingly "my marriage certificate." Danglar's face blackened. "Curse you!" he burst out angrily. "When you get your tantrums on, you've got a tongue, haven't you! You'd have been wearing your clothes now, if you'd have done as you were told. You're the one that queered things last night."

"What do you mean?" demanded Slavens, turning upon him sharply. Ten-Gallon stirred the dust with his toe, stooped and picked up an empty revolver-cartridge. "It ain't worth that!" said he, presenting it in the palm of his hand. "I don't know what you're driving at," said the doctor, inclined to walk away and leave him. "I mean that Hun Shanklin queered all of you," said Ten-Gallon.

He gulped, stared at her threateningly, and quickened his step, forcing her to keep pace with him. But he spoke again after a minute, savagely, bitterly, but more in control of himself. "The Pug got away. The White Moll queered us again. But it's worse than that. The game's up! I told you to be here at midnight. It's only half past eleven yet.

It's an infernal shame you didn't take Brady when you—" "Yes, we've queered ourselves," said she, struck by the phrase that fell from his lips. It was not Anne's habit to use slang, but somehow George's way of putting the situation into words was so aggravatingly complete that she almost resented his prior use of an expression that she had never used before in her life.