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"Say, Serena, don't you think it is a queer-lookin' crowd? Seems to me I never saw such clothes or so many different kinds of hair. Look at that woman's skirt. It's tore all up one side." "Sshh! Don't speak so loud. That's the latest style." "What! THAT? Well, I " "Sshh! It's the latest style, I tell you. Haven't you seen the fashion magazines? All the new dresses are made that way."

There's a queer-lookin' rock at the top of the passage. I didn't have time to stop. I'm wonderin' how you ever found this place. It's sure interestin'." During the preparation and eating of dinner Lassiter listened mostly, as was his wont, and occasionally he spoke in his quaint and dry way. Venters noted, however, that the rider showed an increasing interest in Bess.

His face was perfectly still, and he waited to be spoken to; but the Doctor's eye detected a certain meaning in his expression, which looked as if he had something to communicate. "Well?" said the Doctor. "He's up to mischief o' some kind, I guess," said Abel. "I jest happened daown by the mansion-haouse last night, 'n' he come aout o' the gate on that queer-lookin' creator' o' his.

"Not yet, but he says he understands we've got one here that ain't been tagged that's what he said 'tagged. What does he mean by that?" "Why why, don't you see? Just as soon as he tags it, it's it. Doggone, I wonder if it would make any legal difference if I tagged it first." "He's a queer-lookin' feller, Anderson. Says he's in disguise, and he certainly looks like a regular scamp."

It made it considerable lively to look at, but not so edifyin' to us as if we knew a word they said. And then come the Street of Cairo, a exact representation of one of the most picturesque streets in old Cairo, with queer-lookin' kinder square housen, and some of the winders stood open, through which we got lovely views of a inner court, with green shrubs, and flowers, and fountains.

'He's a queer-lookin' tyke, but a don't think as he's a bad un. 'When did he come? said Sylvia, remembering Kester's account of his sister's character, and feeling as though it behoved her, as Kester's confidante on this head, to give cautious and prudent advice. 'Eh! a matter of a s'ennight ago. A'm noane good at mindin' time; he's paid me his rent twice, but then he were keen to pay aforehand.

His face was perfectly still, and he waited to be spoken to; but the Doctor's eye detected a certain meaning in his expression, which looked as if he had something to communicate. "Well?" said the Doctor. "He's up to mischief o' some kind, I guess," said Abel. "I jest happened daown by the mansion-haouse last night, 'n' he come aout o' the gate on that queer-lookin' creator' o' his.

Her Dick had never spoken so about any bishop, nor indeed, about anybody else, and here was this rough street boy whom she considered quite unfit to associate with Dick and the bishop himself had taken him into church. Mrs. Hunt spoke somewhat sharply. "Well, I must say you were a queer-lookin' one to set in a pew in a church like St. Mark's."

Strange shapes indeed, foreign to our earth, birds, dragons, animals of most weird shape. Anon I see a little figger, queer-lookin' as you might spoze. I accosted the little Moony, my first words bein' not a question of deep historical research, you would expect a woman with my noble brain would ask, about that onexplored country.

"`That's a queer-lookin' seal, says Gaspard. "`So 'tis, said I. `If there was ever black bears up hereabouts, I would say it was one o' them. "`Put a ball in yer gun, says Gaspard; for ye see, as we had been blazin' at small birds the day before, there was nothing but shot in it. So I put in a ball, and took aim at the beast, intendin' to give it a long shot.