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R. Child, in his "Large Letter" in Hartlib's Legacie, gives the explanation of the difference in the custom: "Our sheep do not follow their shepherds as they do in all other countries: for the shepherd goeth before and the sheep follow like a pack of dogs. Dante, Purg. It is related that a neighbour's sow strayed on Tremelius' land and was caught and killed as a vagrant.

His bas-reliefs on Giotto's campanile of Grammar, Astronomy, Geometry, Plato, Aristotle, &c., are anterior to 1445; and even about this date there is uncertainty, some authorities fixing it at 1435. Purg. x. 37, and xi. 68.

I repeat, Padua is a freakish city. The Sub-Prefect writes madrigals in vain. Castracane, the goatherd, sends Silvestro sprawling, and wins the golden Ippolita for a willing bride. What are we to make of it? Deus nobis hæc otia fecit. "L'Anima semplicetta, che sa nulla, Salvo che, mossa da lieto fattore, Volentier torna a ciò che la trastulla." Purg. xvi. 88.

"father Of me and all those better others Who sweet chivalric lovelays formed." Purg. xxvi. 97-99. Nov. 9. Mr. Sandford sat in his private room. Through the windows in front were seen the same bald and grizzly heads that had for so many years given respectability to the Vortex Company.

He was bled a second time in the evening, and a few drops of water were discharged. On the following day, the urine slowly passed involuntarily from him; but when he attempted to void any, his efforts were totally ineffectual. Balls composed of camphor, pulv. uva ursi, tinct. ferri mur., mass purg., and pulv. lini. et gum. arab., were administered morning, noon, and night.

Me and Van and Napoleon has went through purg and back, many's the time, and was lucky to git out with our skeletons, sayin' nuthin' about the gold." "Oh." She could think of nothing else to say. "In fact Van was all that got me out onct Napoleon, too. We wasn't worth it, prob'ly. That's the joke on Van. Since then us three cusses has starved, and froze, and clean roasted, chasin' gold." "Oh."