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Other species of less interest are E. pungens, of which there is a variegated variety; E. Simoni, a neat Chinese shrub; and E. latifolia, of good habit and with large leaves. The various species and varieties of Elaeagnus may all be cultivated in light, free soil, and from experiments that were recently made, they have been found of great value for planting by the seaside.

I am told that the term "spinifex," though generally employed by those who have the pleasure of the acquaintance of the plant, is wrongly used. I do not know its right name, and have seen it described as "Spinifex," "Porcupine Grass," "TRIODIA," "TRIODIA PUNGENS," and "FESTUCA IRRITANS." Why such a wretched, useless plant should have so many names I cannot say.

Clearing our way through a row of tall swamp weeds, Zizania aquatica, Scirpus lacustris, Scirpus pungens, among which the white flowers of Sparganium ramosum and Sagittaria variabilis are conspicuous, we steer into a large inlet entirely covered with the broad leaves of the Nymphaea odorala and the Nelumbium luteum, of which the former waves its beautiful flower on the surface of the river, while the latter, the queen, in fact, of the waters, proudly raises her magnificent crown upon a perpendicular footstalk.

The number of insects collected on the low land was very small; among them the Staphylinus erytrocephalus, also a native of New Holland; an Aphodius, scarcely to be distinguished from the limbatus Wiedem. of the Cape of Good Hope; an Elater of the species Monocrepis; of Oedemera, three varieties of the species Dytilus, to which belong the Dryops livida and lineata F.; two small varieties of Apate; Anthribus, Cossonnus, Lamia, Sphinx pungens, and a large Phasma.