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The next point has reference to "sublimation." This outcome of individual evolution, as defined by Freud, has a strictly social, not an ethical, meaning. "Die Psychoanalyse soll eine biologische Methode sein, welche das hoechste subjektive Wohlbefinden mit der wertwollsten biologischen Leistung zu vereinigen sucht."

Same work, A. A. Brill trans., "The Interpretation of Dreams," 1914; The Macmillan Company, New York. Jung, C. G., "Studies in Psychoanalysis," Psychoanalytic Review and Monograph, 1914; Journal of Nervous and Mental Diseases Company, New York. Internationale Zeitschrift fur Aerztliche Psychoanalyse, Officielles Organ der Internat.

It is like turning from the landscape in the parlor to the ploughed field outdoors. It is a return to the three dimensional world, after a sojourn in the painter's portrayal of his own emotional response to his own inattentive memory of what he imagines he ought to have seen. Zeitschr, f. Arztl. Psychoanalyse, 1913. Translated and republished by Dr.

Karl Furtmüller, entitledPsychoanalyse und Ethik,” and find there, p. 5, a passage which I reproduce here on account of its agreement with my position.

See Zentralblatt für Psychoanalyse, vol. i., p. 2. That the dream should be nothing but a wish-fulfillment surely seemed strange to us all and that not alone because of the contradictions offered by the anxiety dream. After learning from the first analytical explanations that the dream conceals sense and psychic validity, we could hardly expect so simple a determination of this sense.