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When the development of the feather is complete, growth gradually ceases, the proximal part of the feather remains tubular and does not split, and the vascular tissue within dies, shrivels, and dries up, forming the pith of the quill When the papilla recommences to grow the old feather is pushed out, and this process causes the moult.

The available operative measures are proximal ligation of the innominate, and distal ligation. In some cases it has been found necessary to combine distal ligation with amputation at the shoulder-joint, to prevent the collateral circulation maintaining the flow through the aneurysm. Matas' operation has been successfully performed by Hogarth Pringle.

A wide gauze bandage material is most satisfactory; cotton of long fiber is separated in thin layers and wound about the hock, extending from the site of injury to a point about six inches proximal to the summit of the os calcis.

Amputation is the last resource, and should be decided upon if the hæmorrhage recurs after proximal ligation, or if this has been followed by gangrene of the limb; it should also be considered if the nature of the wound and the virulence of the sepsis would of themselves justify removal of the limb. Every surgeon can recall cases in which a timely amputation has been the means of saving life.

While bearing weight, there is assumed a position of slight dorsal flexion, undue flexion being checked by the inhibitory apparatus of the joint check ligaments, and their tendons and the suspensory ligament. The inhibitory apparatus of the fetlock joint is materially reinforced by the proximal sesamoid bones.

It is a misnomer, in a sense, and the veterinarian is frequently obliged to spend considerable time with his clients in order to convince them that a spherodial exostosis of the proximal phalanx, in certain cases, is in reality "ringbone," even though there exists no exostosis which completely encircles the affected bone. Etiology and Occurrence.

This minimizes granulation of tissue, and there results less scar if the detached portions are kept near, even if not in contact with the proximal wound margins. The skin together with subcutaneous fascia is sutured on either side unless drainage is to be provided for on one side, and the lowermost part of that side is left unsutured. After-care.

In Equus, finally, the crowns of the grinding-teeth become longer, and their patterns are slightly modified; the middle of the shaft of the ulna usually vanishes, and its proximal and distal ends ankylose with the radius. The phalanges of the two outer toes in each foot disappear, their metacarpal and metatarsal bones being left as the "splints."

The dead portion is then cast off, the irritation resulting from the contact of the dead with the still living tissue inducing the formation of granulations on the proximal side of the junction, and these by slowly eating into the dead portion produce a furrow the line of demarcation which gradually deepens until complete separation is effected.

The man's finger was caught between a rope and the block of a pulley. By a sudden and violent movement on his part he disengaged the hand but left the 3d finger attached to the pulley. At first examination the wound looked like that of an ordinary amputation by the usual oval incision; from the center of the wound the proximal fragment of the 1st phalanx projected.