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Gass and party. Bratton is still very weak and complains of a pain in the lower part of the back when he moves which I suppose procedes from dability. I gave him barks. Gibson's fever still continues obstenate tho not very high; I gave him a doze of Dr.

Piper, concludes: 'L'esprit a des procédés de connaître non soupçonnés par notre analyse. In this treatise I may have shown 'the will to believe' in an unusual degree; but, for me, the interest of Mrs. Piper is purely anthropological.

I carried my point, and continued my 'procede' with the Abbe; and by this easy and polite commerce with him, at third places, I often found means to fish out from him whereabouts he was. Remember, there are but two 'procedes' in the world for a gentleman and a man of parts; either extreme politeness or knocking down.

I carried my point, and continued my 'procede' with the Abbe; and by this easy and polite commerce with him, at third places, I often found means to fish out from him whereabouts he was. Remember, there are but two 'procedes' in the world for a gentleman and a man of parts; either extreme politeness or knocking down.

For the art of telling a story clearly and dramatically, selon les procédés de M. Scribe, I had thoroughly learnt from old M. Duval, the author of a hundred and sixty plays, written in collaboration with more than a hundred of the best writers of his day, including the master himself, Gautier.

I set about my task in the following manner: The text ran: "Les procedes de cet homme m'outragent et me deseparent, je dois penser a me debarrasser." For this I substituted: "Cet homme a des facons qui m'offensent et me desolent, il faut que je m'en defasse;" and so on throughout the piece. When I had finished I slept for three hours, and then rose and dressed.

For the art of telling a story clearly and dramatically, selon les procédés de M. Scribe, I had thoroughly learnt from old M. Duval, the author of a hundred and sixty plays, written in collaboration with more than a hundred of the best writers of his day, including the master himself, Gautier.

I set about my task in the following manner: The text ran: "Les procedes de cet homme m'outragent et me deseparent, je dois penser a me debarrasser." For this I substituted: "Cet homme a des facons qui m'offensent et me desolent, il faut que je m'en defasse;" and so on throughout the piece. When I had finished I slept for three hours, and then rose and dressed.

"La passion aveugle," dît Topffer: elle aveuglait sur la moralité des procédés. Pitt, en visite chez une femme qui occupait un rang élevé dans le monde whig, au moment d'une élection, dit

C. and request him to send up a party of men for the dryed meat which we had made. I finde a very heavy due on the grass about my camp every morning which no doubt procedes from the mist of the falls, as it takes place no where in the plains nor on the river except here. Lewis to let him know where I was &c river rises a little this evening we could not get a Sufficency of wood for our use