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Professor Tiele, who had actually been claimed as an ally of the victorious army, declares: "Je dois m'elever, au nom de la science mythologique et de l'exactitude . . . centre une methode qui ne fait que glisser sur des problemes de premiere importance."

You see," she added, with her lovely smile, "nous vous aimons bien." I was very glad to have the answers. I copy them for you. A quelle qualite donnez-vous la preference? A la gratitude. Quels sont vos auteurs favoris? Tacite. Quelles sont vos occupations favorites? Chercher la solution de problemes insolubles. Qui voudriez-vous etre? Mon petit fils.

<1> Problemes de l'Esthetique Contemporaine 1902, p. 77. The diffusion of stimulation, the equilibrium of impulses, life- enhancement through repose! this is the aesthetic experience. But how, then, it will be asked, are we to interpret the temporal arts? A picture or a statue maybe understood through this formula, but hardly a drama or a symphony.

Pere Montrouzier lent, and finally gave, Martinet's 'Solution de Grands Problemes, which Patteson calls 'a very interesting book, with a great deal of dry humour about it, not unlike Newman's more recent publications.

This discernment is the enemy of anything approaching obscurity of thought or mysticism; and its outcome was that curious book, Problèmes et Mystères a misleading title, for the spirit of reason reigns there and makes an appeal to young people to protect "the light of a menaced world" against "the mists of the North, Scandinavian gods, Indian divinities, Catholic miracles, Lourdes, spiritualism, occultism, and obscurantism."

and in metaphysics also, where he judges religions, faith, and the Gospels with a quiet freedom of thought, seeking in Nature alone the basis of morals and society. Here are some of his opinions, taken at random from Problèmes et Mystères: "As science advances, God recedes." "The soul is only a medium for the expression of thought."

Cependant je dois m'elever, au nom de la science mythologique et de 1'exactitude dont elle ne peut pas plus se passer que les autres sciences, contre une methode qui ne fait que glisser sur des problemes de premiere importance," &c.

Guyan, for instance, in a charming passage of his "Problemes de l'Esthetique Contemporaine," argues for the aesthetic quality of the moment when, exhausted by a long mountain tramp, he quaffed, among the slopes of the Pyrenees, a bowl of foaming milk. The same dispute appears, in more complicated form, in the conflicting dicta of the critics.