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Neither is the thing expedient, for treason would be too frequent and too covert." The same idea was also indicated by Joseph Glanville in his Scepsis scientifica, which appeared in 1665, by Father Le Brun, in his Histoire critique des pratiques superstitieuses, and finally by the Abbe Barthelemy in 1788.

There were a great number of men within hearing, many of them the most daring and rebellious pratiques of the regiment; and Cecil would have let the coarsest upbraidings scourge him rather than put the temptation to mutiny in their way which one insubordinate or even not strictly deferential word from him would have given.

But you are too good to him, he is one of the very worst of my pratiques; and you are as cruel to me in refusing to deign to accept my trooper's worthless bagatelles at my hands."

«Des trous pratiqués dans le roc par les anciens aux endroits les plus commodes pour voir toute l'étendue de cette chûte prodigieuse, donnent le moyen d'observer sans risque la continuation des rochers qui s'avancent

In England, under-drains are not generally laid below the reach of daily variations of temperature, or below a point from which moisture, if not carried off by the drains, might be brought to the surface by capillary attraction, and evaporated by the heat of the sun. Instructions pratiques sur le Drainage, pp. 227, 228.