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He eternally prates of justice, yet, much as I loathe him, I have no wish to compass his death, either directly or through gabbling of justice." "Will you permit me to point out the reason that induces me to believe his continued exemption, and State policy, will not run together?" replied the advocate of the King's death.

He keeps his friends at a distance from her. She prates away. He admires for nature all she says. Once was heard to call her charming little creature! An hundred has he called so no doubt. He puts her upon singing. He praises her wild note O my dear, the girl's undone! must be undone! The man, you know, is LOVELACE.

The fiery reformer embodies his aspiration in some rite or covenant, and he and his friends cleave to the form and lose the aspiration. The Quaker has established Quakerism, the Shaker has established his monastery and his dance; and, although each prates of spirit, there is no spirit, but repetition, which is anti-spiritual. But where are his new things of today?

When admonished by the wardens to enter church, some merely gave contemptuous replies, such as "what prates thou?"; others, when the wardens approached, took to their heels and ran away. Once inside the church the wardens' task was by no means ended.

Why, I know no woman so alone or weak as you, if I should leave you!" "I know it," sobbing silently. "You will stay with me, Theodora! Is the dull heaven Gaunt prates of, with its psalms and crowns, better than my love? Will you be happier there than here?" holding her close, that she might feel the strong throb of his heart against her own. She shivered. "Theodora!" She drew away; stood alone.

The other, in order to keep his skin whole, prates of his dread lest his principles be punctured. the devil take you both for a brace of champion sneaks;" and he turned on his heel and was about to stalk away with a grand air of superiority, when Van Berg said, emphatically: "Wait a moment; I'm not through with you yet.

Nothing can be more unjust than to confound these outpourings of a kind heart, sure of perfect sympathy, with the egotism of a bluestocking, who prates to all who come near her about her own novel or her own volume of sonnets. It was natural that the triumphant issue of Miss Burney's first venture should tempt her to try a second.

"No, none Daggett behaved what I call liberal in that affair," half the critics of the day would use the adjective instead of the adverb here, and why should Deacon Prates English be any better than his neighbours? "and so I've admitted to his friends over on the Vineyard. But, Gar'ner, our great affair still remains to be accounted for.

They say, he sets them over and after one another; and has lations of them that he lets out on the craturs' cabins, to larn how many grains of salt every man takes with his little prates, and bring information if a straw would be stirring. O'Bla. Ay, and if it would, then, it's Carver that would quake like the aspin leaf I know that.

That I may not detain you with a long story beyond what is necessary, from a smart cit he becomes a downright rustic, and prates of nothing but furrows and vineyards; prepares his elms; is ready to die with eager diligence, and grows old through a passionate desire of possessing.