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He chuckled, winked at me, and, taking another pinch of snuff, said he would now turn the whole case over in his mind again, and make sure that he had got all the bearings of it quite clear. By the time we reached the post-town he had accomplished this mental effort to his own perfect satisfaction, and was quite ready to compare the ale at the inn with the ale at Darrock Hall.

This persistence so enraged him that, although it was night, he left the castle without the Prince's knowledge, and walked three miles to Trappau, the nearest post-town. He remained here overnight, and, while waiting for the post-chaise, wrote the following letter to Prince Lichnowsky: "Prince! what you are you owe to chance and birth. What I am, I am through myself.

To this I reply in the following manner: 'My dear young ladies, I know your post-town: and shall be at church there the Sunday AFTER next; when, will you please to wear a tulip or some little trifle in your bonnets, so that I may know you?

When that time came, Captain or rather Colonel Percy heard with surprise that no letters had been received from him since his joining the army in Canada. He had written often, but had been obliged to send his letters to some distant post-town by his own servant.

The vicar's correspondence was confined and rare, despite his distant children, for letters but a few years ago were costly luxuries to persons of narrow income, and therefore the juvenile letter-carrier who plied between the post-town and the village failed to excite in his breast that indignation for being an hour or more behind his time which would have animated one to whom the post brings the usual event of the day.

He went, accordingly, to Edinburgh and elsewhere, and it was in his return towards the south-western district of Scotland, in which our scene lies, that, at a post-town about a hundred miles from Kippletringan, to which he had requested his friend, Mr. Mervyn, to address his letters, he received one from that gentleman which contained rather unpleasing intelligence.

We had measured back nearly half the way to the post-town at which we had last changed, when lo! there emerged from a by-lane two postilions and their horses! At that sight our companion, shouting loud, pushed on before us and hailed his fellows. A few words gave us the information we sought.

He therefore left a letter for Colonel Talbot at the place agreed upon, signed by his assumed name, and giving for his address the post-town next to the Baron's residence.

Clarence, I say, didn't you hear? Clarence lifted up his face from his letter, so much flushed that my mother broke in 'What's the matter? A mistake in the post-town would account for the delay. Has he had the letter? 'Oh yes. 'Not in time eh? 'I'm afraid, and he faltered, 'he did. 'Did he or did he not? demanded my mother. 'What does he say? exclaimed my father.

Deadly pale, she pointed to her husband, and said to Sydney: "Take him!" She passed out of the room and left them together. The autumn holiday-time had come to an end; and the tourists had left Scotland to the Scots. In the dull season, a solitary traveler from the North arrived at the nearest post-town to Mount Morven.