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"When you speak in that softy, sympathisy voice, I feel that I could just hug you," said Penelope. "Then would you really help me?" "Really and really. What am I to do? If you will whisper secrets to me, I will even forget that I am certain you know something most 'portant about that thimble, and I will cling to you like anything. You will be the oak, and I will be the ivy.

"Peggy, my Peggy! Is she worse?" and the poor fellow looked the anguish he felt. "I don't b'lieve she's 'zackly worse," said the child, feeling very big indeed, "but she's acting queer, and she's got something 'portant on her mind and sent me for you." Jerry waited to hear no more, but, seizing the child's hand, started to run. Leaving her in her own street, he hurried on alone.

Maintenant sur toutes les grand's routes vous pouvez voir Parcourant les trottoirs Du matin jusqu'au soir Les défenseurs Belges, portant tous la même tenue Depuis que l'ancienne a disparue, Aussi quand on voit I'9e défiler C' n'est plus régiment des panachés. Même Refrain.

Then he spoke, glancing aside at me: "Dey won't be no 'portant fightin' long yere, sah, not fo' 'bout ten miles." "How do you figure that out?" "'Cause de lay ob de groun' ain't right, fo' one thing, an' 'cause all de Confed intrenchments was back yander." "Yonder where?" "In behind de log church at de Three Corners done know dat country mighty well." I turned and faced him, instantly suspicious.

"We're all perfectly dead with sleep, Boris, you naughty boy; you know you have nothing whatever to say; what are you keeping Molly for now?" "I have something to say," replied Boris. "Something most 'portant, I can tell you." His face flushed with anger; he dragged Molly into the ante-room. "There she is, Nell," he exclaimed; "now you can tell her."

I has 'portant business to do in those woods." Diana looked round the table very solemnly as she said these last words. Philip could not help laughing. "Hush, Philip! I won't have Diana laughed at," said Mrs. Dolman, who for some reason was now inclined to be specially kind to the little girl.

"Yes. Children, do be good," said Iris, in her earnest voice. Diana trotted up to her sister and took her hand. "I has something most 'portant to tell you," she said, in a low whisper. "It's an awfu' sorrow, but you ought to know." "What is it, Di?" "Rub-a-Dub has got deaded." "Rub-a-Dub?" "Yes; it is quite true. I found him stark dead and stiff. I has put him in the dead-house."

Mon cher Monsieur Reeve, Nous ne pouvions douter, ma femme et moi, de la part que vous et Madame Reeve prendriez au malheur si cruel et si inattendu qui vient de nous frapper. Il etait si fort et si bien portant que jusqu'a la veille de sa mort nous n'avions pas eu un instant d'inquietude. Vous comprenez done bien notre douleur.

But for dirty Jack, and every good fellow who, in the words of the capital French song, moves about, "Comme le limacon, Portant tout son bagage, Ses meubles, sa maison," on his own back, why, good luck to them, and many a merry roadside adventure, and steaming supper in the chimney corners of roadside inns, Swiss chalets, Hottentot kraals, or wherever else they like to go.

Celui-ci possède sur la rivière et aux confins communs de Bulgarie, d'Esclavonie, d'Albanie et de Bosnie, une ville nommée Nyeuberge, qui a une mine portant or et argent tout