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Leaders of the Democrats In the opposition proper, both among the liberal conservatives and among the Populares, the storms of revolution had made fearful havoc. But Caesar could only be the object of hopes for the future; and the men who from their age and their public position would have been called now to seize the reins of the party and the state, were all dead or in exile. Lepidus

The issue was not for a moment doubtful. The Populares were beaten and driven up to the Capitol, where the supply of water was cut off from them and they were thus compelled to surrender.

Leaders of the Democrats In the opposition proper, both among the liberal conservatives and among the Populares, the storms of revolution had made fearful havoc. But Caesar could only be the object of hopes for the future; and the men who from their age and their public position would have been called now to seize the reins of the party and the state, were all dead or in exile. Lepidus

He had taken up such a position that he was obliged to grasp at the crown; and, seeing that he was not willing to do so, no part was left to him but the empty one of a candidate for a throne resigning his pretensions to it. Senate, Equites, and Populares

Pompey, whom he regarded as the champion of law and order, was in the East: and Catiline's candidature and it was supposed his policy also had had the almost open support of the richest man in Rome, M. Licinius Crassus, and of the most influential man of the populares, C. Iulius Cæsar.

Even for earlier injuries inflicted by the Populares on the aristocracy satisfaction was now demanded, not without prospect of success, before the equestrian tribunals.

A notable departure has been the foundation of the Folklore Society, and the publication up to the present time of eleven volumes under the name of Biblioteca de las Tradiciones Populares Españolas, under the direction of Señor Don Antonio Machado y Alvarez.

Metellus laughed at his pretensions, and bade him wait another twenty years. Marius, however, persisted, and was allowed to go. The patricians strained their resources to defeat him, but he was chosen with enthusiasm. Metellus was recalled, and the conduct of the Numidian war was assigned to the new hero of the "Populares."

But there's one other thing I would like to ask you about. From what Calvus told me in Rome, Curio and certain other still worse Populares were trying to induce you to join their abominable faction. I trust you gave those men no encouragement?" The party in opposition, since the time of Tiberius Gracchus, to the Senate party Optimates; at this time the Populares were practically all Cæsarians.

There were, moreover, the Populares strictly so called, the honestly credulous narrow-minded radicals, who staked property and life for the current watchwords of the party-programme, only to discover with painful surprise after the victory that they had been fighting not for a reality, but for a phrase.