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Stone details the description of the case of a boy named Lowry, whose left thumb was caught between rapidly twisting strands of a rope, and the last phalanx, the neighboring soft parts, and also the entire tendon of the flexor longus pollicis were instantly torn away.

On examination the detached portion was found to include the terminal phalanx of the thumb, together with the tendon of the flexor longus pollicis measuring ten inches, about half of which length had a fringe of muscular tissue hanging from the free borders, indicating the extent and the penniform arrangement of the fibers attached to it.

Hartman, Dr., on the singing of Cicada septendecim. Hatred, persistence of. Haughton, S., on a variation of the flexor pollicis longus in man. Hawks, feeding orphan nestling. Hayes, Dr., on the diverging of sledge-dogs on thin ice. Haymond, R., on the drumming of the male Tetrao umbellus; on the drumming of birds.

Subcutaneous rupture of the tendon of the extensor pollicis longus at the wrist takes place just after its emergence from beneath the annular ligament; the actual rupture may occur painlessly, more frequently a sharp pain is felt over the back of the wrist. The prominence of the tendon, which normally forms the ulnar border of the snuff-box, disappears.

He mentions, with something like approbation, the hypothesis of Buffon and Helvetius, who, as he tells us, seem to imagine, that mankind arose from one family of monkeys, on the banks of the Mediterranean, who accidentally had learned to use the adductor pollicis, or that strong muscle which constitutes the ball of the thumb and draws the point of it to meet the points of the fingers, which common monkeys do not; and that this muscle gradually increased in size, strength and activity, in successive generations; and that, by this improved use of the sense of the touch, monkeys acquired clear ideas, and gradually became men.

In the Surgical Museum at Edinburgh there is preserved a thumb and part of the flexor longus pollicis attached, which were avulsed simultaneously. Nunnely has seen the little finger together with the tendon and body of the longer flexor muscle avulsed by machinery.

Adduction and abduction movements of the fingers are lost. Adduction of the thumb is carried out, not by the paralysed adductor pollicis, but the movement may be simulated by the long flexor and extensor muscles of the thumb.

After division at the elbow, there is impairment of mobility which affects the thumb, and to a less extent the index finger: the terminal phalanx of the thumb cannot be flexed owing to the paralysis of the flexor pollicis longus, and the index can only be flexed at its metacarpo-phalangeal joint by the interosseous muscles attached to it.

Of the upper arm: The biceps on the front side, the triceps behind, and the deltoid at the upper part of the arm beyond the projection of the shoulder. Of the hand: The adductor pollicis between the thumb and the palm.

Flexor pollicis longus, similar variation of, in man. Flies, humming of. Flint tools. Flints, difficulty of chipping into form. Florida, Quiscalus major in. Florisuga mellivora. Flounder, coloration of the. Flower, W.H., on the abductor of the fifth metatarsal in apes; on the position of the Seals; on the Pithecia monachu; on the throat-pouch of the male bustard.