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'Hear reason, he said; and added, as Nanty still endeavoured to pass him, 'Or else hear this! discharging a pocket-pistol into the unfortunate man's body. Nanty staggered, but kept his feet. 'It has cut my back-bone asunder, he said; 'you have done me the last good office, and I will not die ungrateful.

Edward, out of patience, hemmed in and hustled by the rabble on every side, and every moment expecting personal violence, resolved to try measures of intimidation, and at length drew a pocket-pistol, threatening, on the one hand, to shoot whomsoever dared to stop him, and, on the other, menacing Ebenezer with a similar doom, if he stirred a foot with the horses.

The paddles did not move, but the phantom craft drew quickly on. "Say, Furguson come here look at that canoe." The Scotchman came down, with a pail in one hand, and looked. "Canoe hell it's a moose and there ain't a pocket-pistol in this camp," and he fairly jumped up and down. "You don't say you really don't say!" gasped the lawyer, who now began to exhibit signs of insanity.

M. de Saint-Souplet, one of the King's equerries, and a page, carried on their shoulders instead of muskets the tongs belonging to the King's antechamber, which they had broken and divided between them. Another page, who had a pocket-pistol in his hand, stuck the end of it against the back of the person who stood before him, and who begged he would be good enough to rest it elsewhere.

Let a post-chaise be ordered immediately. Can you dispense with rest, and take a hurried dinner before you start, Mr. Larkspur?" she added, turning to her ally. "Dispense with rest? Bless your innocent heart, my lady, I don't know the meaning of rest when I'm in business; and as for dinner, a ham sandwich and a glass of brandy out of a pocket-pistol is as much as I ask for when my blood's up."

Riccabocca, recoiling; "you are not contented with firing your pocket-pistol right in my face! you must also pepper me all over with small shot.

If I see any way of helping you, without compromising myself, I will. Hospitality has its duties, and I cannot forget that you have fought and bled for Spain. Have another drink; you don't know what is before you? And take this knife it will serve also as a dagger and this pocket-pistol. Put them where they will not be seen. You may find them useful." "Gracias!

Seated plunged in the armchair, with stretched legs and eyes at the black fire-grate, Fleetwood told of the gathering under the tent, and Mallard seen, seen drinking champagne; Mallard no longer seen, not missed. 'He killed himself three fields off. He must have been careful to deaden the sound. Small pocket-pistol hardly big enough to but anything serves.

I cannot go with a subscription-paper, like a pocket-pistol about me, and draw unawares on some honest country-gentleman, who has as much alarm as if I had used the phrase "stand and deliver," and parts with his money with a grimace, indicating some suspicion that the crown-piece thus levied goes ultimately into the collector's own pocket.

In this terrible hour, however, they jested; and upon a melancholy subject. They were miserably armed; and they quizzed one another and themselves for the appearance they made. None had more than a sword and a pair of pistols: one page had only a single pocket-pistol; and another page and equerry had broken a pair of tongs, and taken each a half.