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My uncle Toby blamed nothing but the taylor who cut the pocket-hole; so sitting still till my father had got his handkerchief out of it, and looking all the time up in his face with inexpressible good-will my father, at length, went on as follows. 'What prodigious armies you had in Flanders!

She was dressed in a warm plaiden gown and a close mob cap, with huge keys and huswife balancing each other at either pocket-hole, and her cracked voice was very sweet as she reiterated "Bide till he bring her here, my bairns," and her kindly smile was motherly to the whole world.

Rooney up in my arms tenderly, as I would a bould child she screeching and screeching like mad: whereupon her jock caught on the chair, pocket-hole or something, and give one rent from head to fut and that was the tattering of the jock.

Only the pocket-hole could release him, so I held that safely in my hand all through the service, lest the congregation might suffer the wrath of a furious bee, which in truth is no light matter, for in blind fury it will rush at the first person it meets and leave its sting in the face or hand.

Here Grace stopped; some few yards up the transverse ride the buxom Suke Damson was visible her gown tucked up high through her pocket-hole, and no bonnet on her head in the act of pulling down boughs from which she was gathering and eating nuts with great rapidity, her lover Tim Tangs standing near her engaged in the same pleasant meal. Crack, crack went Suke's jaws every second or two.

The urchins moved a few steps further, then halted again and were joined by a slatternly woman and another boy. "Got it!" cried Johnny, unable to suppress his delight as his hand slipped through a fold. The lady with the baby, without precisely knowing why, set up a shrill cheer. Johnny's delight died away; it wasn't the pocket-hole.

Grannie, however, being in word and manner, if possible, still kinder to him than ever and no wonder, seeing she could no more, for the present, let her love out at her pocket-hole and Willie having, therefore, no anxiety lest he should have displeased her, he soon ceased to think even of the change; except, indeed, sometimes when he wanted a little money very much, and then he would say to himself that he was afraid poor grannie had been too liberal at first, and had spent all her money upon him; therefore he must try to be the more attentive to her now.

You can put them right into your pocket, you know, until you get home from your walk, and hold the pocket together so, ; so that they won't crawl out"; and Fred pinched up his pocket-hole so that no kind of a crawling thing could have escaped from it. Rikli shuddered all over.

"With much difficulty Ralph found the pocket-hole, and thrusting his hand in was able to reassure his neighbor by feeling among a mass of odds and ends a bunch of keys. "That's a comfort," the woman said. "If one's mind isn't at ease one can't enjoy traveling." "I wish my body was at ease," Ralph said.