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But these cruelties only steeled the Hollanders to a more obstinate resistance; nor must it be concealed that in these plusquam civilia bella, where civil hatred was still further embittered by sectarian malignancy, the Dutch sometimes displayed as much savageness as their adversaries.

THE DANE. Yes, yes, I know, I know Am, am, am, is dhe praesens, and is is dhe perfectum yes, yes and are is dhe plusquam perfectum. ANSWER. And art, Sir! is ? ANSWER. Learning, Sir? Who dares suspect it? Who can listen to you for a minute, who can even look at you, without perceiving the extent of it? THE DANE. My dear friend!

Every reader surely must regret that these two illustrious friends, after so many years passed in confidence and endearment, in unity of interest, conformity of opinion, and fellowship of study, should finally part in acrimonious opposition. Such a controversy was "bellum plusquam CIVILE," as Lucan expresses it. Why could not faction find other advocates?

In the same year he published Impietas cohortis fanatica, expropriis Speneri, Rechenbergii, Petersenii, Thomasii, Arnoldi, Schutzii, Boehmeri, aliorumque fanaticorum scriptis, plusquam apodictis argumentis, ostensa. Hamburgi, Koenig, 1703, in-4. This work was suppressed by order of the senate of Hamburg.

If this Spirit of Mercury be mixt with the Spirit of Sulphur, together with its Salt, and so brought over jointly together, that they can never be separated, you have such a work which if it come over, and it get its ferment with Gold by solution according to a just measure and time appointed, and be brought to a perfect ripeness, unto the Plusquam perfection, nothing may compare therewith, for prevention of Diseases, and poverty, and to a rich excessive recreation of the Body and Goods.