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His lips quivered, his voice failed him as he spoke. "Mr. Plumley, this is you are too kind!" "You accept?" "Most gratefully!" The young man was regaining possession of himself. He grasped the other's hand. "You do not know what this is to me, Sir! You cannot know from what you have saved me! Providence has surely sent you to me!

First came his own party, which included Skelton, Feather, Evans, Lashly and Handsley; secondly there was a small party for the geologist, Ferrar, who was accompanied by Kennar and Weller; and thirdly there were the supports, consisting of Dailey, Williamson and Plumley.

Do . Probably Henry Dodwell, to whom Lamb wrote the letters of July, 1816, from Calne, and that of October 7, 1827, thanking him for a gift of a sucking pig. It was Dodwell who annoyed Lamb by reading The Times till twelve o'clock every morning. Pl . According to the late H.G. Bohn's notes on Chambers' letter, this was W.D. Plumley. My "works." See note to the preface to the Last Essays of Elia.

The spirit of the age was just as strong in him, though in a somewhat different sense, as it was in Lord Montagu Plumley, one of his guests on the present occasion, who had shot up like a meteor from the comparative obscurity of cadetship in a ducal family to the front rank of the Tory pretenders, mainly by ticketing his own valuation on his breast, and keeping himself perpetually front foremost to the world.

The visitor seemed to have taken his hat merely for the sake of having something in his hands, to occupy them. "Then perhaps you will be pleased to listen to my proposition? "Certainly, Sir." "My name is Plumley. I have established a successful classical school, as you may be aware. It is in G-Street." "I have heard of you, Sir." And Salmon might have added, "I have envied you!" "Well, Mrs.

I wheeled beside him, as the cavalry closed up, waved my hand to Plumley, and the girls, and went forward to the rendezvous, about six miles distant. The remaining companies of the regiment were here drawn up, watering their nags. The Major was a thick, sunburnt man, with grizzled beard, and as he saw us rounding a corner of hilly road, his voice rang out "Attention! Prepare to mount!"

I cannot thank you now; but some day perhaps it may be in my power to do you a service." He was not the only one happy. Mr. Plumley felt the sweetness of doing a kind action for one who was truly worthy and grateful. From that moment they were friends. Salmon engaged to see him again, and make arrangements for entering the school the next Monday; and they parted.

Before the evening was over, Lord Montagu was favorably impressed by Campion's ability and shrewdness, whilst Sydney was more disposed from that time to regard Plumley as one of the most likely aspirants for the leadership of his party. In the drawing-room, Nan had made herself as popular as her husband was making himself in the dining-room.

The good-natured baronet was due that evening at the house of Lord Montagu Plumley, and he hurried away to keep his appointment. When he had gone the conversation became less general and more unrestrained, and there were even a few notes of scepticism in regard to some of Sir John's nominations. "Plumley is safe enough," said Mr. Charles Milton.

The men, as they emerged from their thick clothing, were seen to be Wild, Weller, Heald and Plumley, but until Scott had called Wild, who was the most composed of the party, aside, he could not get any idea of what had actually happened, and even Wild was too exhausted, and excited to give anything but a meager account.