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But the rest was drowned in good-humoured laughter, as every one knew that the finest troop in South America and the world, too, for that matter was Plaza's.

"Splendid, together with Fanny's pearl," he replied placidly; "I was afraid they had been a legacy from your mother. I much prefer them to have been William's it will give them such a Utopian sparkle." When Savina had gone, in a long brightly-painted car summoned from the line backed at the plaza's edge, Lee Randon returned to their room.

To his left, some hundred yards distant, he saw a cluster of flickering lights along the Plaza's border. He knew the locality at once. Huddled within narrow confines were the remnants of the once-famous purveyors of the celebrated Mexican national cookery.

He was dressed in spotless white linen, and with his handsome mustache, his well-groomed black hair, and sparkling black eyes, he was a true type of the leisure son of the Spanish-Mexican grandee. He stared at our travel-stained caravan as it rolled down the Plaza's edge, but his careless smile changed to an insolent grin, showing all his perfect teeth as he caught sight of Beverly and me.

"Still, I hate to leave them, though there is naught else to do," and so the two turned from the courtyard, and making their way into one of the broad avenues, crept stealthily in the shadows of the building toward the great central plaza upon which were the buildings occupied by the green warriors when they visited the deserted city. When they had come to the plaza's edge Carthoris halted.